Saturday, April 28, 2007


I recently had the pleasure of speaking with Chuck Wood. I don't think Chuck would mind if I mentioned, he is probably one of the "Senior" senior citizens in Oro Valley. Chuck & Doris have been happily married for 65 years, and that alone, speaks volumes.

Chuck, as well as many of his "younger peers" have a lot of concerns about the price we are paying to live in Oro Valley. I think some of his questions require an answer----not from "LOVE," but from the mayor & some council members who appear to not concern themselves will the well being of their constituents---both young and old.
Here's Chuck's text message to LOVE.

I agree with your recent editorial.
However the mind set of some folks has probably been made because they knew
no better.
Do you know the taxing limits that apply to city, county and various Service
Districts ability to tax you for services. Some overlap. Fire district,
water district, school district etc.are examples. Why are some paid from
your property taxes and others you pay for in annual premium memberships and
which of these agencies have taxing jurisdiction for the servicse provided?
How do they get away with taxing us or otherwise allowing their provisional
performance responsibility to be subjugated (otherwise hidden) by contracting out the service and making you pay for the service separately?
ie; Fire service,trash pickup,water & sewer, power lines, even road repair in
some instances. Think about this: What do you want or expect your governing
body taxing authority to include? It's that simple.

If you want to know what your are buying ask yourself what is provided from
my tax dollars? Some communities have all such services provided by a single
governing body. Why do you have to pay extra for roads, parks,fire service,
possibly police service, etc. There are communities in Arizona who even
provide a cemetery for their citizens within their tax base. Do you know
what the city, county,school board, state, charters encompass?

That is the reason school bond twenty year renewals are killing us. Everyone
needs to carefully examine your tax bills. Bureaucracy is killing us with
their non-performance and it is very hard to get rid of or change charters
once in place. Voters need to hold the feet of those voted into office close
to the proverbial fire. Our mayor is a double dipper of the worst kind. Only
recently retired from his long term civil service quality control
inspection job,He should never have been elected in the firstplace while
holding a civil service job. Wake up citizens.

Chuck Wood.

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