Monday, December 6, 2021

Town Embarking On A Housing Study

Council and staff on what is the purpose of the study
The Town of Oro Valley is scoping and planning for doing a housing study. This was the subject of a council study session last Wednesday. Doing such a study was mandated by the 2016 General Plan. It’s a companion study to the apartment study the town reported last year. LOVE has provided a detailed analysis of this study.

Town Staff unclear of what the housing study will accomplish
It is clear from the discussion that no council member has any idea of what this study is supposed to accomplish. Indeed, Town Planner Vella has only a vague idea. He discussed why the town needs the study: “The way it benefits a community…once you get to be a certain size, knowing your demographic and insuring that it matches up with the housing stock that is being provided; analyzing that and deriving policy from that specific analysis so that we can set up zoning that targets where the town wants to go as defined in the general plan and the leadership of the town council.”

Though staff feels it is "foundational"
Vella feels that this study, which will be completed sometime in 2023 “…is foundational in taking Oro Valley wherever it should go in terms of assuring that we are also not serving just one niche but also the special needs of senior populations, disabled populations, underrepresented populations. Also sets us up for success relative to employment in attracting top talent to the town.”

Study will have a "strong economic" component
According to Vella: “There are many commercial corners that are underserved relative to rooftops, in terms of being able to be successful. A housing study should delve into that. There are areas in my opinion that do warrant conversion. There are others that should not be converted. A housing study will be helpful in pinpointing those areas.”

He pointed to the intersection of Oracle and Magee and Oracle and Ina as high density areas. “That is why those retailers are successful.” He failed to mention that Oracle Road is a state road with tens of thousands of cars passing daily. Referring the the Oro Valley Marketplace: “The area of Tangerine and Oracle has very low density rooftops.” According to Vella, “the traffic numbers are not high enough to compensate for that.”   

Town will retain a consultant... Staff will help
The town will hire a consultant to do the study. Vella asserted that “staff will be doing just as much work as the consultant in terms of compiling all of the information and verifying it." Vella stated that the staff will verify all data that is used.

Scope to be defined by council
Council members offered some ideas of what could be included, such as the impact of annexations on housing or the types of housing needed for a more mobile younger professionals who want tiny homes. One mentioned the impact of water on housing. In addition, the State of Arizona has a set of minimum requirements of scope of a housing study (See Panel)

The scope of the housing study will come to council before the study is approved.
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