Thursday, October 14, 2021

The Conservation Fund: Preserving Open Space Is Par For The Course In Oro Valley

Par for the course 
Mike Ford of The Conservation Fund has penned a lovely article on the saga of preserving the former Vistoso Golf Course as a nature preserve in perpetuity. In it, Ford extols the beauty of the former course. He notes that it is looking especially beautiful after our unusual monsoon season.

Thanks to those who helped
Ford  acknowledges the hard work of Oro Valley Resident Rosa Dailey. “I was first contacted by local leader Rosa Dailey in April 2020, who told me about the property and the groundswell of community support to see this open space preserved and not developed." Dailey had been working on finding a solution long before that. 

Ford also acknowledges the support of the group Preserve Vistoso as well as the support of Takebackov and LOVE.  And, the support of Mayor Winfield and Vice Mayor Barrett. 

The journey continues: From fundraising to a conservation easement
“Once the fundraising is complete and the 202-acre former Vistoso Golf Course is officially purchased, The Conservation Fund will protect the property with a conservation easement, which will legally protect this land for conservation indefinitely. After that, the property will be transferred to the Town of Oro Valley, and a qualified land trust will be named as the long-term property steward who will ensure it adheres to the terms of the conservation easement.”
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