This week we present the record from February-April. Four meetings were held and all votes were unanimous.
February 15, 2017
Over 100 youth sport parents and Oro Valley user group representatives were in attendance requesting that Council take action to construct additional sports fields at Naranja Park.
Five representatives of the group spoke in favor of this issue. Council directed staff to return at a future council meeting with a plan to finance additional sports fields in response to this community request.
Authorizing an increase in water rates.
All motions passed 7-0.
March 15, 2017
Amending the Steam Pump Village PAD to permit an indoor self-storage facility.
Only one person spoke in support. Five Oro Valley residents and two business owners spoke in opposition. Oro Valley resident, Diane Bristow, pointed out that it did not meet the majority of General Plan requirements. You can read the arguments she presented HERE.
Despite this, Solomon motioned and Rodman seconded to approve it “based on a finding that the request conforms with the Your Voice, Our Future General Plan.”
Motion carried 7-0.
All motions passed unanimously including one 6-0 vote when Councilmember Hornat left the room. (There were no discussions on four agenda items this evening).
April 5, 2017
Adopting the OV Main Streets Concept Plan.
Discussion, direction, and possible action from Town Council regarding the funding and construction of additional sport fields and related improvements for Naranja Park.
All motions passed 7-0 (There was discussion on the above two items).
April 19, 2017
Funding and construction of additional sports fields and related improvements for Naranja Park. PUBLIC COMMENT.
Thirteen residents spoke in favor. (They were all involved in sports either as coaches or from having children who play Little League, etc.) Two residents spoke in opposition.
Mayor Hiremath motioned and Pina seconded to place this item on the May 3rd agenda and directed staff to come back with a question for council consideration to place this item on the November 7, 2017 ballot.
Motion carried 7-0 (with discussion). All motions this evening passed 7-0.
Part 3 will be published on Wednesday, August 23rd.