Do You Want Homes In "Innovation Park"?
The Town Of Oro Valley is holding a general plan amendment neighborhood meeting this coming Monday. The site under consideration regards Innovation Park.
This is the same land parcel that Beztak wanted to put apartments on in 2011. That request was denied. Later, there was another plan that never came to fruition and now this GPA is for residential.
Follow the money on this deal. A large developer profit is in the offing if this GPA is approved. The land is valued for 2017 by Pima County at $1.6 million. The petitioner, Anthem Equity Group, petitioned the county to value the land at about $1 million on the basis of comparable industrial land use. However, industrial use is not their intent. Instead, they want to change the land use to residential and reap "land value" benefit from putting up to 64 instead of industrial property.
"This "General Plan Amendment [is] for an approximately 15-acre property located at the northwest corner of Rancho Vistoso Blvd. and Vistoso Commerce Loop. The applicant proposes to change the future land use on this parcel from Commerce/Office Park (COP) to Medium Density Residential (2.1 – 5.0 homes per acre), Case No. OV1701076.
The applicant will provide a presentation and Town staff will facilitate the meeting. The focus will be on addressing your questions and concerns.
August 14, 2017
6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Rancho Vistoso HOA Building
945 W Vistoso Highlands Drive
QUESTIONS? Please contact Elisa Hamblin, Long Range Principal Planner, at 520-229-4847 or ehamblin@orovalleyaz.gov. "
Read about this amendment.
(Source: Oro Valley Web Site)
Oro Valley to offer free training for Water Utility customers
Oro Valley, Arizona (August 10, 2017) – The Oro Valley Water Utility is offering free, one-hour training classes on its AquaHawk Alerting program. AquaHawk is a free service that helps Oro Valley Water Utility customers efficiently manage their water usage and lower their monthly bills.
Class participants will learn how to register for AquaHawk and how to set water use thresholds based on water use history so they can monitor usage and receive timely leak alerts. Water conservation information and giveaways will also be available.
Classes will be held from 10 to 11 a.m. in the computer lab at the Oro Valley Public Library (1305 W. Naranja Drive) on the following dates:
- Monday, August 21, 2017
- Wednesday, August 23, 2017
- Monday, August 28, 2017
- Wednesday, August 30, 2017
Registration is required, and class size is limited to 10 participants per session. For more information or to register, contact Karn Boyce at 520-229-5024 or kboyce@orovalleyaz.gov.
Customers who are not able to attend a class can still enroll in the program. Valid email address required. Learn more at www.orovalleyaz.gov/aquahawk.
(Source: Town Of Oro Valley Press Release)
July Oro Valley housing sales lower but overall pace matches last year
"In the Oro Valley area, July 2017 active inventory was 260, a 6% decrease from July 2016. There were 81 closings in July 2017, an 11% decrease from July 2016. Year-to-date 2017 there were 575 closings, a 1% increase from year-to-date 2016. Months of Inventory was 3.2, up from 3.1 in July 2016. Median price of sold homes was $281,000 for the month of July 2017, up 2% from July 2016. The Oro Valley area had 82 new properties under contract in July 2017, up 5% from July 2016."
(Source: Long Realty August Report)