Democrats of Oro Valley (DOV") just celebrated ten years of successful meetings of the minds this past April. They support the participation of democracy at local, state, and national levels. Several key points of DOV's mission is to:
- work enthusiastically for the election of public and party officials of the highest integrity and ability and support them in their work
- support activities that will preserve the unique environment, history, character and beauty of our beloved Southern Arizona location
- build a strong membership that is open, inclusive, and representative of the strengths of our community.
Northwest Conservatives cover a broader area of Northwest Tucson, Marana, Catalina, and Oro Valley. They also meet monthly to discuss issues on a local, state, and national level and are very active in hosting public debates for local and state office including the Oro Valley Town Council Candidate Forum this past July.
They welcome participants that want to "get involved and make a difference" by sharing ideas or invite those to attend meetings who are just wanting to stay informed. Northwest Conservatives meet at the Oro Valley Library on the 2nd Thursday of the month with "off months" due to summer vacations, holidays and times when speakers are not available. They will meet this May 12th at 5:30 pm, and on June 11th join them when Kelli Ward will answer questions about a possible run for US Senate. Find out more by attending one of their meetings or by visiting their website
If you haven't already, I suggest you attend a meeting and/or forum. They are highly informative and a great way to get involved in the community. They represent all age demographics and are an impressive group of people to be around.
If you've had any positive experiences with these or other political clubs serving Oro Valley, we'd love to hear from you!
Heather Nenadovich has lived in Oro Valley for 6 years. She has a B.A. in Psychology from the University of Arizona. She loves gardening, nature, art, and travel. Currently her two young children fill up most of her days (and nights) with chaotic bliss. Oro Valley favorites: memorial bench at the entrance of Romero Canyon Trail in Catalina State Park, Toscana Studio and Gallery, OV Fall Festival, the gumption and determination of OV residents!
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