Happy Birthday LOVE
Tomorrow is LOVE's 8th birthday!
Here are the facts:
- 8 full years of publishing
- 2,408 postings
- 10,000 plus reader comments
- A half a million page views
Yes. We are patting ourselves on the back!
It is job well done. It is job that is not easily done. And we do it for free. No paid advertisers. No kickbacks.
One goal: Provide Oro Valley residents with the unvarnished truth!
One goal: Provide Oro Valley residents with the unvarnished truth!
Oro Valley, Arizona (February 24, 2015) - The Town of Oro Valley and Town of Marana will once again partner to host the third annual Move Across 2 Ranges hiking challenge on Saturday, February 28, 2015, from 6:45 a.m. to noon.
Move Across 2 Ranges gives outdoor enthusiasts of all ages and abilities the opportunity to hike, stroll or trail run two beautiful mountain ranges in the Marana and Oro Valley area: the Tortolitas and Santa Catalinas.
Participants can choose one of four hiking challenges:
- Mighty (my size) Move - 5 miles
- Major Move - 10 miles
- Mega Move - 15 miles Massive Move -21.5 miles
For complete details on the hikes and registration, click here or visit www.orovalleyaz.gov and click on the event banner. You may also call (520) 229-5050.
Sales Tax Hike Starts Sunday
The Oro Valley half percent sales tax starts Sunday. The Oro Valley Town Council approved the hike in May to finance the operation of the El Conquistador Country Club. This Wednesday the council declined to defer the hike until after the court challenge to the purchase is complete or, if the court so deems, a vote of the people ensues.
"Smile. You're On Candid Camera"
The Oro Valley Police Department must be the best equipped police force in the country. We know they have the best motorcycles. And they have super fast cars. And, according to a KGUN9 report, they have police body cameras. "Oro Valley police have 2 years experience using it... A lot of use will be on Oracle Road and traffic enforcement." The cameras connect to iPad's.
So, the next time you meet an officer, "Smile...."
Garner Weighs In On Community Center On KNST
Listen Council Member's Bill Garner's comments the purchase of the El Conquistador Country Club.
Bill was interviewed by Garrett Lewis of KNST earlier this week. TOOTHINOV.ORG has published a commentary on the interview.
We spoke with Bill after the interview. Bill observed that projected future of the purchase of the El Conquistador Country Club and its conversion to a community center remain of concern. He continues to believe that a community center that part of Naranja Park is a more financially feasible, viable alternative.
Mayor Hiremath was yesterday by Garett Lewis of KNST. Listen to the Mayor's remarks. Mayor Hiremath appeared to provide information he learned as special council sessions. These sessions are supposed to be private.
He also asserted, as he has previously, that Council Member's Zinkin and Garner advocate for a property tax to pay for the community center. We have never heard either state such.
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