One of our readers sent us an email reporting the sighting of a drone a bit north of Oro Valley.
"This afternoon, about 4:20 p.m., we were sitting on the bench that overlooks our fish pond. We heard the sound of a small motor, then looked up to see what at first appeared to be a small aircraft flying slowly at perhaps 40 mph, maybe 150 feet up, directly over us on a wnw heading. We stood up, went over to a more open area, looked at it and said “it’s a drone!!”
They described it: "...estimated wingspan of at least 8 to 10 feet. The drone was yellow and white, with an antenna on top, behind the canopy."
They continued: "Someone was controlling it, but why and for what purpose?"
Did anyone else see this?
Council Agrees To Delay Decision On Olsen Property
Wednesday, the Oro Valley Town Council agreed to reconsider a prior council passed motion approving development of the Olsen property.
Council Member Hornat's original motion, as passed by council 7-0, required that the developer improve 2 parks for $80,000 before grading the property. Now Hornat's want to reverse it. Grade first. Work on the park later.
During consideration of the original motion, Council Member Zinkin had suggested a 2 week delay in approval to make sure that everything was ironed out regarding the property. His motion was rejected. Now, two weeks later, Council goes: "Opps, You wus right, Mike."
So, rather than a 2 week delay, there is now a 5 week delay.
Two Oro Valley Residents Running For State Offices
"Senate candidate Jo Holt hails from Oro Valley but is no stranger to many Maricopans. Holt unsuccessfully ran against incumbent Sen. Al Melvin in 2012 and is now competing for the open seat against Rep. Steve Smith." (Source)
Mark Finchem "...is a retired police officer and a Realtor with Long Realty. He lives in Oro Valley. He previously ran for a seat on the Oro Valley Town Council. His priority is education reform. He supports sending more National Guard troops to the border. Finchem supports expanding the school voucher program. He is pro-life." (Source)
Cops Catch Crook
"Oro Valley Police Department arrested Monica Garibay for theft on residents of Brookdale Senior Care Living facility on Monday, Oct. 12. The residents of this facility are vulnerable due to diminished memory capacity." (Source)
"With the cooperation of Brookdale's management, the investigation identified a new employee, as a possible suspect. The Criminal Investigations Unit was able to locate one of the stolen items at a local pawn shop and connected it to Garibay." (Source: Oro Valley Police Department Press Release)
Tonight Is Oro Valley's National Night Out
"The Oro Valley Police Department would like to invite the public to its annual National Night Out. Since 1983, this special crime prevention event has been held by communities across the United States focusing on safety. There will be exhibits and demonstrations along with music, prizes and food. Parents and children will learn about safety in regards to water, internet, poison, drugs and much more. Golder Ranch Fire District and others will also be at the event. The event is being held at the Target Shopping Center at 10555 N. Oracle Road from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on October 17, 2014."(Source: Oro Valley Police Department Press Release)
Regarding the drone, my husband saw it this afternoon. He said it resembled a WWII plane called a P38 lightning made by Lockheed but on a smaller scale. It was also yellow so it must have been the same plane.
RE: Olson Property Delay:
I was glad to hear of the new delay. This is a disaster for
the homeowners along Yellow Orchid Drive just off Moore Road. Although this delay will likely not result in any change to what was passed on October 1, it may result in more benefits to the builder. Sad for this town.
Note that this rezoning will allow the building of 74 homes
on 39 acres of land. This land was originally zoned for 1 home per 3.3 acres per the voter approved General Plan (GP) in 2005. This new
construction will destroy the views of the current residences, both of the terrain and Catalina Mountains.
Furthermore, the mentioned 15 day delay was initiated by the
homeowners along Yellow Orchid Drive. In the 3 minutes each owner had to speak before council, the arguments were heard in support of a delay We merely requested a small delay to work with the builder to mitigate the natural view issues. These homeowners have had these views for
over a decade and paid a premium for these lots.
Initially, three of the council members (Zinkin, Burnes and Garner) agreed to delay for 30 days while the issues could be mitigated between the homeowners and builder. Just 30 days! Mike Zinkin requested 15 days. The Mayor was going to have none of it.
So, when the debate was going against the developer, Hiremath stopped it cold. Slamming his gavel down. Telling people to sit down. Sit-down he shouted at the homeowner, pounding his gavel! But the Olson Attorney had plenty of time to tell the council that nothing would change and this needed to be approved now. The attorney proclaimed this has gone on for 2 years, but no mention of the homeowners who have lived there for over 10 years.
So, Hiremath proclaimed this has “gone on long enough” and
the “town doesn’t owe the homeowners any protection of their view”. Then Hiremath, in 10 seconds killed the discussion and voted to approve the rezoning. Boom, it was done. I’m sorry for these homeowners. I wish we all could have done more. Their backyards will now be full of little track homes, views crushed forever.
Developer money paying diviends? Who knows.
Note that this is just the first wave of developer applications starting to arrive at city hall.The northwest side of OV is under developer attack from Mcgee Road to Tangerine, and La Cholla to Shannon.
The Northwest is the last big development area in OV. Proper planned development of the 500 acres or so in this area can make OV not just another good town, but a great destination place for professionals to live, work, raise families and retire.
More little pink and tan houses on postage stamp lots won’t cut it. We will see what the town does.
Just an Outsider Looking in.
It has been our experience with that the destruction of views holds little weight with this council. The most important criteria to them is"Market demand". Market demand is defined buy the applicant. We will be posting about the lack of an independent standard for"Market demand" in the future.
Attorney Keri Silvyn donated a mere $200 each to Hiremath, Snider, Hornat & Waters re-election campaigns. Who is the developer?
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