Oro Valley resident Shirl Lamonna shares our love of Photography. She sent this photo of a Road Runner to us. Shirl tells us that she took the picture through a window looking onto her back yard. Nice picture, yes?
Got a picture that typifies Oro Valley? We'd love to see it. We'll print those we select.
2 Pima County Offices Up For Election
The August ballots will include 2 county offices of interest:
- Toni Hellon is running unopposed for Clerk of the Superior Court
- There are 3 candidates for Justice of the Peace in Precinct 1
--- "Summer schedule for Second Saturdays at Steam Pump Ranch
ORO VALLEY, Ariz. (June 12, 2014) - During the months of June through September, the Second Saturdays live music, gardening demonstrations and ranch house tours will be discontinued until October, when the weather cools. For the summer, Second Saturday events at Steam Pump Ranch will only include crafts for children, along with the weekly Oro Valley Farmers Market and Historic, Western and Americana Artisan Fair, 8 a.m. to noon.
Children's crafts are free and available 8 a.m. to noon
- July 12 - Fun in the garden craft
- August 9 - Back-to-school backpack craft
- September 13 - Create a personalized ranch brand
(Source: Oro Valley Press Release)
Miller Votes No On County Tax Increase
Something you are likely to not read in the local papers is the consistent commitment of Pima County Representative Ally Miller. Miller politics are "citizen-centric." She is beholden to no special interest group except you, the people. Her district includes Oro Valley.
This week she voted NO to a to a 17% Pima County tax increase, one that will be used to build soccer fields and other frivolous items. Miller's politics are "citizen-centric." She brings good sense to the insanity brought by her fellow county supervisors.
"Residents applauded Miller on her comments and fight for County taxpayers. After the meeting, Miller said, “While the other 4 Supervisors have clearly shown their priority is to spend taxpayer money on non-core services, such as buying and developing this land for soccer, they prove they do not care to listen to their constituents. Now faced with a 17% tax increase and roads that are still in dire need of repair, citizens must take a hard look at what the other Supervisors have done with their tax dollars and decide if they will continue to allow this type of leadership from their elected officials.”"
(Source: Miller Office Press Release)
It is the abuse of county taxing authority that continues to convince that Oro Valley should never have a property tax.
1 comment:
Thank you for posting the beautiful picture. This shows others why we love Oro Valley.
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