Garner For Youth
The Oro Valley Aquatic Center hosted a huge 3-day swim meet event last weekend. Seen in the crowd was Oro Valley Council Member Bill Garner. Bill was one of the champions of building this facility. He fought for things like the "water slide" and the family changing room. Garner wanted the facility to be "first class." It is.
Council Member Garner has championed other facilities for Oro Valley youths. He's spoken of a community center, possibly located at Steam Pump Ranch.
Unfortunately, the current Oro Valley Council Majority-4 have an: "If we didn't think of it its not a good idea" mentality. They marginalize his ideas. They prefer to try to paint him as an outlier rather than the twice elected, six year council senior leader that he is.
Hopefully, fresh membership on council after this year's election will enable all the best ideas, regardless of source, come to light.
Help Is On The Way
We previously reported that Patrick Straney, President of the Rancho Vistoso HOA, was considering running for either Mayor or Council. When we spoke with Patrick several weeks ago, he told us that he would base his decision on discussions he would have, seeking advice and council from a variety of sources. Wednesday, Patrick completed his deliberations. He filed an amendment to his PAC Statement of Organization. It is now: Straney For Mayor.
Mayor Hiremath has announced that he will seek reelection. Straney is the only other announced Mayoral candidate. Based on that, it will be a 2 person race, over in the August primary.
We will report more about Patrick during the next months, so that you can learn about him to determine whether he is an viable alternative to "The Great Divider."
OVPD announces upcoming Coffee with a Cop event
Oro Valley, Ariz. (May 2, 2014) - The Oro Valley Police Department (OVPD) is excited to announce its May Coffee with a Cop event. It will be on Monday, May 5, 2014, from 8 to 10 a.m. at All the Buzz Café, 12985 N Oracle, Suite 165, in Oro Valley.
Coffee with a Cop is a national initiative supported by the United States Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services. The goal of this program is to break down barriers between the public and police officers. Typically the majority of contact the public has with law enforcement is during emergencies, traffic stops or emotional situations. Those situations are not always the most effective time for relationship building with the community. Coffee with a Cop allows for a relaxed one-on-one interaction between the community and their local police officers.
Businesses who are interested in participating in future Coffee with a Cop events may contact Lt. Kara Riley at 229-4956.
(Source: Oro Valley Police Department Press Release)
UPDATE: Shoplifter identified and charged
Oro Valley, Ariz. (May 8, 2014) - The Oro Valley Police Department would like to thank the public for its assistance in the April 12, 2014 GNC shoplifting incident. The suspect has been identified and charged. (Source: The Oro Valley Police Department Press Release)
OV Town Council adopts vision and guiding principles for general plan update
Oro Valley, Ariz. (May 8, 2014) - At its May 7 Regular Session, the Oro Valley Town Council unanimously voted to adopt the proposed vision and guiding principles for the Your Voice, Our Future project, also known as the general plan. The vision and guiding principles are the culmination of months of community input and more than 3,000 comments on what matters most. They will be used as a framework to guide future decisions.
With this adoption, the community's vision will now move forward to the next phase of the project-the creation of the general plan. Beginning this fall, the Your Voice Committees will work on building the plan, advising project staff and making recommendations on policy and goal proposals. The resulting general plan will shape decisions about the Town's future and quality of life.
(Source: Oro Valley Press Release)
I am disappointed to see that Hiremath is running again. I am happy to see that he is not running unopposed. Not excited to see who is running against him. Judging by the amount of people who show up at the Rancho Vistoso HOA meetings I am guessing that most people have no idea who Patrick Straney is. If elected, there would be little change in the way things are run. Just to touch on a few things, the HOA recently tried renewing a 20+ year landscaping contract without putting it up for bid, and seem to think it is ok to hold closed board meetings. The HOA also think it is ok the use HOA monies to throw a going away party for the company who did not renew the landscape contract. While I am no fan of Hiremath, I am afraid that if Patrick Straney is elected it will be more of the same.
Doc, thanks for the background on this candidate; there is MUCH more to be learned, so keep it coining folks. Let's not let OV fall into the same trap we find ourselves in currently.
Thank you for posting a positive portion about Councilmember Garner. The "majority four" try to take credit for
I'm thinking about filing papers to run. Any advice?
A few years ago, someone on this blog pointed out that council member Steve Solomon (the arrogant blowhard whom everyone despised and threw off the council the first chance they got) pulled an underhanded "stunt" to ensure that Patrick Straney was elected to the Rancho Vistoso HOA board. This was about 5 years ago. That implies that Straney is a Solomon-clone. So yes, apparently nothing will change if he replaces Hiremath.
I wonder if ONE thing will change though. Does Straney have a more mature personality? Will we at least have an ADULT Mayor instead of the adolescent bully that we have today? That alone would be worth it.
You'd have to turn in nomination papers with at least 279 signatures by 5 PM on May 28th. Can you pull that off? That's only 2.5 weeks away!
Straney said he would seek "advice and counsel from a variety of sources" before deciding whether to run for Mayor or Council. It appears that one of those sources was Hiremath.
Straney met with Mayor Hiremath on Wednesday at 8 AM. He then met with Town Clerk, Julie Bower, at 10 AM. That's the same day that he filed paperwork to run for Mayor (most likely the purpose of his meeting with Bower). Makes you wonder what transpired during his meeting with Hiremath to make him come to the decision to run against him for Mayor.
Straney might be a Steve Solomon clone. See the comment I left for 175Doc for more on this.
Our mayor is an embarrassment, as you say VC a bully.
I don't know if Straney would be better, but I will not vote for the dentist.
think long and hard. consider your family and how they will view your efforts. consider the attacks that you might receive from the current council of 4 as your success comes at their expense. Whatever your view is on the zinkin recall how would you feel if you were the victim of this situation, if you want to change things you will be fought by the people that are adversely impacted. when i considered running, i decided it wasn't worth it. i am a change oriented person and decided to put my time and talents to other uses.if you do decide to run, please let me know as i would like to replace as many of the current candidates as possible.
With that attitude, we'll be stuck with the current council forever. Please run, both of you.
Let us know where they'll be and we'll be there to sign. No problem.
Although what Chuck said is true....."your success comes at their expense" which means they'll probably stop at nothing to discredit you.....on the other hand, THEIR success comes at OUR expense. If you decide to run, just repeat that mantra over and over whenever the going gets tough. The more of them we remove, the less we'll see of the scenario that caused Chuck to drop out of the race last time.
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