You May Not Receive An Oro Valley Election Ballot If You Don't Act
If you are not planning to vote at the polls on August 26, then you most certainly should be sure you get a mail-in ballot. Getting one is as easy as calling the county recorders office at 724-4330, then choose 6. You will get an individual who will look you up in the data base. During that conversation, be sure you tell them to mail the ballot to a location you will be at when the ballots go out. There is no mail forwarding of ballots. Also tell them whether you want an Oro Valley election ballot only or a ballot that includes Oro Valley but has non Oro Valley candidates from a specific party.
So, the process is simple if you make the call.
If you don't make the call, you may not get a mail-in ballot if you wish to vote early.
In order to get an mail-in ballot "automatically" you must be:
- Noted on county voter records as on the "early voter list"
- A registered Republican or Democrat
- A valid address for getting the ballot.
If you are a registered "independent" or on the county's "inactive list," you need to call them to make sure you get the ballot. You get to be "inactive" by not replying to one of there inquiries since you last voted. So, given all the junk mail people receive, its easy to overlook their correspondence.
Last week, the county sent out notices to voters denoted as active. You may have received one. You did not have to return anything if you were a registered Democrat or Republican and had a valid mailing address. If you were an independent, however, you were supposed to complete the form and send it back. Otherwise, you will not get ballot.
That's why we suggest you call. Make sure the county gets it right. Make sure you get a ballot. Make sure you vote.
Garner and Zinkin Bring Historic Preservation To Forefront
Next Wednesday, there is one item on the regular agenda of the Oro Valley Town Council. It is consideration of Steam Pump Ranch's Procter-Lieber House.
"Our intent on Wednesday is to restart restoration of Steam Pump Ranch. The intent is to restore the house. Get things moving again," noted Council Member Zinkin in our discussion with him yesterday. "That ranch can be the focal point of Oro Valley. It can make us unique. No one in southern Arizona has anything like Steam Pump Ranch. It can be a real draw."
During the past 12 years. the town has created parking, put covers over the market area, and rehabbed the Pusch house.
Instead of working to fulfill a 2008 commitment to restore Steam Pump Ranch as a major draw for residents and visitors, the Majority-4 on council (Mayor Hiremath and Council Members Hornat, Snider and Waters) chose to do other things, all without a real plan or vision.
The Procter-Lieber house can be many things, as Garner and Zinkin see it. And, yes, it s also a remembrance of times when the only thing in Oro Valley was the ranch's watering station.
---Garner and Zinkin Bring Historic Preservation To Forefront
Next Wednesday, there is one item on the regular agenda of the Oro Valley Town Council. It is consideration of Steam Pump Ranch's Procter-Lieber House.
"Our intent on Wednesday is to restart restoration of Steam Pump Ranch. The intent is to restore the house. Get things moving again," noted Council Member Zinkin in our discussion with him yesterday. "That ranch can be the focal point of Oro Valley. It can make us unique. No one in southern Arizona has anything like Steam Pump Ranch. It can be a real draw."
During the past 12 years. the town has created parking, put covers over the market area, and rehabbed the Pusch house.
Instead of working to fulfill a 2008 commitment to restore Steam Pump Ranch as a major draw for residents and visitors, the Majority-4 on council (Mayor Hiremath and Council Members Hornat, Snider and Waters) chose to do other things, all without a real plan or vision.
The Procter-Lieber house can be many things, as Garner and Zinkin see it. And, yes, it s also a remembrance of times when the only thing in Oro Valley was the ranch's watering station.
Oro Valley Financial Operations Recognized For Excelllence
"The Town of Oro Valley has been tapped for three more national awards in the areas of financial reporting, budgeting and procurement.
The Town received two awards from the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA). The first is the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for the FY 2012/13 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR). This is the 20th consecutive year that the Town has received this honor.
Oro Valley Finance Director Stacey Lemos commented, "It is truly an honor to be recognized by these national organizations and a true testament to the dedication and commitment to excellent fiscal management by our Finance Department team."
For the sixth consecutive year, the Town of Oro Valley has received the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award, which required the Town to satisfy a set of stringent, nationally-recognized guidelines for effective budget presentation.
Of the 91 incorporated municipalities in Arizona, Oro Valley is one of only 27 municipalities in the state to receive both awards from the GFOA.
These two awards are the highest form of recognition in governmental accounting, financial reporting and budgeting, and they represent a significant accomplishment by a government and its management.
Additionally, for the sixth year in a row, the National Procurement Institute has honored the Town of Oro Valley with its Achievement of Excellence in Procurement (AEP) Award.
The AEP award is sponsored by every major public procurement association in the country and is recognized as the benchmark of excellence in the profession. The Town of Oro Valley is one of only 16 government agencies in Arizona, and one of only 58 cities in the United States to receive this award.
In a press release, Stephen J. Gauthier, director of the GFOA Technical Services Center stated, "Award recipients have pioneered efforts to improve the quality of budgeting and provide an excellent example for other governments throughout North America." (Source: Oro Valley Press Release)
County To Approve Record Spending
"With the tentative 2014/2015 budget adoption set for June 17th, I have been working hard to analyze the 666 page county budget. Yes, the number of pages is actually 6-6-6. With its passage, homeowners will face a property tax rate increase of almost 17%. Many would assume that with an increase in property taxes, the County would be increasing funding for core services such as our roads, but sadly, the budget allots for no increase in funding for road repair. Over the years, Pima County has utilized grant funds to supplement various services and departments. As those grant funds have dried up, the County is now seeking revenue to account for those budget deficiencies. And that Revenue will come from YOU....the taxpayers." (5-22 Blast Message From County Supervisor Miller)
Remember: Oro Valley is a donor community. We pay taxes in. We get little out.
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