Is Mayor Hiremath The King Of Rude or What?
Mayor Hiremath can't seem to resist the urge to chide others.
Town Finance Director Stacey Lemos presented a 5 year projection of town finances at the May 7 council meeting. Rather than ask for general questions from the council, Mayor Hiremath turned to Council Member Zinkin. Hiremath asked:,"Mr. Zinkin, you'd like to challenge Ms. Lemos' forecast hypothetically 5 years out?" (Source: 5-7-14 Meeting Video at 1:49:20) Council Member Zinkin was respectful in not directly responding to such a crude comment. Zinkin yielded the floor to others.
Why does Mayor Hiremath see the need to ridicule, lecture and alienate others? Why can't he see his role as one of accommodating all council members? Is he simply not capable of being anything but a partisan bully?
Majority-4 Refuses Citizen Input On How People Are Appointed To Town Boards and Commissions
Council Member Zinkin requested that citizen input be heard. Council Member Garner seconded.
Mayor Hiremath objected on the ground that citizen input into how this process happens is not relevant because it is a council prerogative.
Watch the video of Mayor Hiremath's reasoning. You be the judge.
At the beginning of every meeting during World War II, Winston Churchill asked: "Tell me what I don't know." Churchill clearly understood the wisdom of seeking input from all quarters. Mayor Hiremath is definitely no Churchill. We think that he is a bit more "Nixonian."
By the way, the council voted 3-4 against citizen input. It was the Majority-4 who voted citizen input down.
Pima County Bonding Still Alive
Two Oro Valley Pima County Bond requests were discussed at the May 2 meeting of the Pima County Bond Advisory Committee. One is in the amount of $10 million for Naranja Park. The elements are to be determined by the Fall. The other are improvements to River Front Park. (Source) Still to be determined is the amount of and the timing of the bonds to fund this and the many other projects requested by Pima County communities.
Get Your Early Ballot For the Primary Mailed To The Right Place
Primary day is August 26. If you are want to vote early you should request a mail-in ballot. If you are not going to be at your home location this summer, but at another fixed location, the county recorder's office will send the ballot to you at the summer location. The post off ice will not forward a ballot. After May 27th, you can call the recorder's voters line at 724-4330 to make your request and tell them where to mail the ballot.
Every vote counts. So be sure you get yours sent to the right place.
OVPD Investigating Shooting Incident-Death
"Oro Valley, Ariz. (May 15, 2014) - At approximately 10 a.m. this morning, Oro Valley Police officers were driving through an apartment complex at 450 W. Cool Drive on an unrelated matter when they heard a gunshot and saw a male subject in the parking lot with a rifle, hiding behind a truck. Officers took cover and ordered the subject to drop the rifle, but he refused. Officers heard additional shots, and upon approaching the subject, they reported he had suffered a self-inflicted gunshot wound. The investigation revealed additional ammunition in the truck. The motive of the individual is unknown and the investigation is ongoing. No officers or other members of the public sustained any injuries.
The deceased's name is being withheld pending next of kin notification. If anyone from the public has any additional information on this case, you are asked to call OVPD at (520) 229-4900." (Source: The Oro Valley Police Department Press Release)
$10 for Naranja Park. Is that supposed to be $10 million? Can't do much with ten bucks anymore!
Yes. It is $10 million.
The real reason Hiremath doesn't want citizen input is because he already knows how he's going to vote (and he knows the rest of The Limelighters will vote the same) so he doesn't want to WASTE HIS TIME listening to the opinions of residents. Resident input would serve only to needlessly extend the length of the meeting and he wants to get out of there as quickly as possible before he falls asleep.
To answer your question: Why does Hiremath see the need to ridicule, lecture, and alienate others? Simple. Psychology 101. He's extremely insecure and he overcompensates for those insecurities by ridiculing others. I've probably said this before but his thought process goes like this...
"I elevate myself by diminishing those around me."
His focus has been mainly on Zinkin because Hiremath only won the mayoral election by a mere 30 votes. Just 30 votes despite all the big money endorsements he had! He knows that Zinkin nearly tied him in votes despite having only the endorsements of the peasants!
Hiremath is a lot of bluster. He's a loser...and he knows it.
You are so smart and so logical. I wish I could be more like you. In no way are you extremely insecure yourself and overcompensate for those insecurities by ridiculing others (for example, Mayor Hiremath). Oh, the irony!
The dentist IS rude. He is not fit for leadership. I do not know why he is so rude. He is educated, he is successful, he has achieved many of his life goals. One would think he would be a very happy man.
I wish you could be more like me, too. BTW, you just painted yourself into a corner. If you believe that my ridicule of Hiremath equates to me being extremely insecure and overcompensating, then you have to admit that Hiremath's ridicule of others equates to the same thing...and your comment ridiculing me equates to the same thing.
Honey, there is a difference between what Hiremath does in a public meeting and what I do on this blog. On this blog, others may chime in with their own comments and they can agree or disagree with me IMMEDIATELY and in front of everyone else who reads the blog. Like you just did.
Hiremath's disparaging comments of others are made during a public meeting and the public is not allowed to respond. Even if a council member or a town staff member were to try to respond, he would bang the gavel and stop them. I know because I've seen him do it.
That's just it, Nombe. He is clearly NOT a happy man. Happy people do not behave that way.
So you suggest two possibilities.
First, you and I are no better than Mayor Hiremath. I can live with that. Can you? (BTW, wouldn't your use of "honey" suggest that you really do feel a need to overcompensate and put down others?)
Second, this is different because I can respond freely and disagree with you immediately. Really? Richard lets others chime in and disagree immediately?
With your excellent reasoning skills, I'm hoping you can come up with a better rationalization than that. I'm waiting.
I read with fascination the apparent hatred toward Mayor Hiremath. Out of curiosity, has anyone sat down and talked with him face to face? I'm curious because everything I have read about him and comments heard about him from others has always been positive. I understand he funded the children's room of the OV public library, has sponsored many events, started a veterans support initiative for OV and donates his time to many causes. I just find it hard to believe that this same individual can be that much of a Jekyll and Hyde. Maybe I will call him and judge for myself as I have not talked to him face to face either and make my own decision.
Let's go to the tape.
He may be the greatest guy in the world, but during TC meetings?
Pictures don't lie. (well maybe sometimes but....)
I once talked with him face to face. It was when he was running for mayor. He was dismissive. This is also how the server at Saffron restaurant described his behavior when he dined there. There is a pattern in his behavior...everyone except his buddies is beneath him. Watch the council meetings and it's glaringly obvious.
In fact, someone who voted for Waters and Hornat (but not Hiremath) also told me that this was the same type of behavior that Hiremath showed HIM, even though Hiremath knew that he had voted for his buddies. If Hiremath knows that you voted for Zinkin, he looks down on you, even despite knowing that you also voted for Hornat and Waters. That is an extremely immature approach to take with your constituents.
Perhaps all the stories you've heard about Hiremath have "always been positive" because they come from people who voted for him. Because it sure is interesting that all the stories I've heard about him have been negative and those stories all come from people who did NOT vote for him and he KNEW they did not vote for him.
I promised myself I wouldn't respond to you anymore, but it is just too much fun.
Which of these two scenarios do you think is more likely?
A) I agree with your theory and only wanted to point out that by ridiculing Hiremath, you are displaying your own insecurity. Moreover, my response was written to ridicule you and, because I still agree with your theory, I wanted to show to the world my own insecurity.
B) I don't agree with your theory and wanted to point out its ridiculousness by explicating your flawed logic.
(BTW, I think we'll have to agree to disagree on your second point.)
It's definitely a lot of fun for ME since I'm always able to back up my assertions and theories with facts, meanwhile, you merely talk in circles and word salads and never offer any facts to back up your statements, as you've done once again with your latest response.
If my logic is flawed...PROVE IT. Present some facts.
Also can't help but notice that others on this blog make derogatory statements about Hiremath and you don't say a word. You don't even try to challenge them. On this thread for example, Nombe said that Hiremath is rude and is not fit for leadership. You said nothing. You agree with Nombe? Yes? Then why argue with me when my sentiments are the same as his? No? Then why ONLY argue with me?
Hmmmm....I noticed that you ran away the minute you were challenged to "present some facts."
And you also can't explain why you choose to only argue with ME but not the others who agree with me.
Now who's insecure?
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