Rejoice! CDO Multi-Use Trail Is Complete! Enjoy!
It opened earlier this month. It's beautiful. Now you can travel along the east side of the CDO wash from LaCanada to the Oro Valley Marketplace. It is perfect for walking. It is perfect for bicycle riding.
The recently completed section connected the multi-use path from behind Fry's to Steam Pump Ranch. The connection required a new bridge. Also, there is a new ramada west of the ranch for you to rest.
Oro Valley will host a ribbon cutting on March 14 at 9am.
Next up, we think, is a connector from the path to Catalina State Park. This connector will run along the wash, under Oracle Road. We'll let you know more when we learn more.
"Pima County Has A Spending Problem"
"You voted to approve a bond package which involved a $76 million budget for a new court house. As we put the finishing touches on the building, the budget has ballooned to $156 million complete with a $317,000 art project from an artist in California. This $156 million consists of $22.4 million from the General Fund that should have been used for road repairs, and $58 million in non-voter approved debt. This is more debt for Pima County residents. " (Source: Email Blast From County Supervisor Ally Miller)
New Businesses Coming To Oro Valley
Businesses coming to Oro Valley, according to this months Oro Valley economic development report are:
- Alfonso's Gourmet Olive Oil, Wine and Cheese Shop to Plaza Escondidio (Trader Joe's Plaza)
- Betty Anne Coyne Insurance Agency and Taylor Ceramics to Rooney Ranch Office Center (Hiremath Dentistry Center)
- Savaya Coffee to Steam Pump Village III
Welcome all!..(Source)
---Colorado River Reserves Less Than Half Capacity
Both Lake Powell and Lake Mead are main sources of Colorado River water. They remain at less than half capacity, at 44%. These tow reservoirs represent 82% of all river water reservoirs. The reservoir system is, in total, at 47% capacity. As we've previously noted, Arizona is the first state to lose water rights if there is a severe distribution restriction of Colorado River water.
(Source: Oro Valley Water Director's Report)
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