Two petitioners were on hand at the Oro Valley Farmer's Market. One of them was the co-leader of the PAC that is out to get Zinkin. Her name is Jane Burge.
Burge and her associate didn't have much in terms of specifics regarding why they want you to sign their petition. Their PAC has cloaked themselves as the "decency police." Their "pitch" is along the lines of: "Have you read all the bad stuff he's said?" Our response was that we had and that we thought it was a bunch of "over-hyped 'BS'"
Zinkin has many supporters. Many came up to us to let us know that they thought Mike was doing a great job as council member. That is what matters most to them: That Zinkin is standing up for the people. They don't care about what the "decency police" have to say.
Perhaps, if you do get to meet one of the petitioners, ask that what they think of the job Zinkin is doing as council member.
The "decency police" turn his every action into something evil.
Their claim that Zinkin "dishonors fallen fire fighters" may be based on the fact that Zinkin asked about the cost of the The Oro Valley Police Department traveling to Payson this summer. Payson is the site of the tragic loss of life of 19 heroic fire volunteers in the Yarnell Hill fire. As council member, he has a right to ask. The police department reports to the council. So, he asks this question and the "decency police" claim he "dishonors fallen fire fighters?" Seems like a stretch in thinking.
The fact is that the people driving this recall want to win so badly that they will dishonor themselves through smears and lies about another.
We asked one of the recall volunteers if they had considered the impact that the evil things they were saying about Zinkin had on Mike's spouse. They didn't know her name (It's Ramona!). And they didn't care about the impact. The volunteer gave a response that was equivalent to: "That's her problem."
Those who have set themselves up as the morals police have no morals. They are simply mean-spirited individuals who will do anything to win.
"Machavellian: cunning, scheming, and unscrupulous, esp. in politics" (Source: Google Definition)Their behavior is Machavellian. To them: The ends justify the means. It appears that their mantra is: "Anything can be done no matter what the consequences may be for the end result will be justified. The method used to attain it is of no consequence."
They don't care who they hurt. They don't care how they do it.
They want Zinkin out because he asks questions. They want him out because he is doing his job. They want him out event though he, and others like him, are exactly what Oro Valley needs.
Those signs aren't cheap; some heavy money-bags are at work here. My guess is the Chamber of Commerce.
Good Point! I also wonder who paid for the hight quality signs(?)
Tell this recall group to CEASE their campaign of LIBEL and SLANDER!
Not once do they point to Mr. Zinkins voting record and say he has voted against the best interests of those he represents.
Why is it when there is simply disagreement and the FACTS are not on your side those who disagree launch personal attacks?
The group attempting to recall a Council Member cannot show the residents any evidence that Mike Zinkin isn't doing what he was elected to do. There in no reason for this recall effort other than personal vendettas.
The conduct of Hiremath, Snider and Hornat in their public support of this recall effort appears to expose their lack of moral decency.
The fact that other council members and the mayor himself have a hand in this ridiculous effort speaks volumes about the lack of ethical judgment in this matter.
We visted the Oro Valley Marketplace on Saturday and stated very LOUDLY that absolutely NO we would NOT sign their petition.
Does anyone believe for an instant that if Mr. Hornat or Mr Waters were "called out" by alleged nefarious comments or "behavior" that either one of these council members would be subject to a recall attempt? Of course not. The fact that Mike Zinkin stands for Oro Valley voters and not special interests is upsetting the junkyard political life raft, resulting in much teeth gnashing and this outlandish effort to remove a sharp thorn in worn out saddles.
This whole thing is a sorry mess, and demeaning to our democratic process. The fact that the mayor himself is pushing this, as an obvious Zinkin political opponent on virtually every issue, removes any shred of legitimacy that might otherwise exist.
Shame on the people who are behind it. On the upside, be careful what you wish for.
I've been saying the same thing for months. NOT ONCE have they attacked his voting record and that's because they can't! They FEAR they are going to lose seats on council in the next election due to their self-serving, anti-citizen voting record. They only appeal to the Chamber of Commerce crowd and the OVPD.
So how do they manipulate Joe-Citizen into turning away from Zinkin? Cast aspersions on his character! They're not even smart enough to realize that they're revealing more about THEIR character than they are about his!
Like Nombe always says...follow the money!
I'd like to quote a comment I recently read. "...like most of us mere citizens of OV who just want this to all go away, I am not happy about all the publicity to our town, all negative, no matter whose side you are on in this. And it just keeps going on, no end in sight. Even a recall won't likely end the bad feelings building up on a daily basis on both sides. What is the point? What can possibly be resolved by kicking a voter's (THE VOTERS') choice candidate out of office? Are there any winners here? Time to get a grip!"
Isn't that the truth?
This recall began because Councilmembers Zinkin asks questions. This is the second-known time Hiremath, Waters, Snider, and Hornat have moved to silence one who dare ask questions. When a member of the CDRB was up for reappointment, Mr. Waters and a Staff member agreed the gentleman should not be reappointed. The reasons for not reappointing had nothing to do with this individual's performance or ethics. The record shows one of the reasons was this person asked questions, and sometimes lengthened the time of meetings. Questioning actions involving the "majority four's" special-interest agenda is not tolerated.
Citizens on all Oro Valley's Boards and Commissions have a responsibility to their fellow residents to assure the requests before them meet all the requirement of Town Codes and the General Plan. Asking questions is a very important component is properly fulfilling their duties. Asking meaningful questions is a responsibility of the residents and every elected official.
We most certainly agree with you. The recall effort only serves to divide our community. We Americans are always reluctant to fight. We don't want to be bothered. Unfortunately, those of mean spirit have declared war on the citizens of Oro Valley by trying to rob them of their representation using the most flimsy, bogus excuse.
They are the aggressors. The citizens are merely protecting their right to representation.
When the time comes, at LOVE, will do all we can do promote the healing.
We need some high quality signs of our own at the next (5 Feb) Town Council
We need to break out our "WE are Oro Valley" tee shirts at meetings.
We need to break out our "WE are Oro Valley" tee shirts.
We have about 100 cops in OV, yes? We know they're behind the Zinkin recall. If each cop gave just a $20 donation, they would have collected $2000 for the recall campaign which they used to paid for the newspaper ads and the signs.
Reading through the Truth Matters at Oro Valley Now blog, since its inception, it's abundantly clear that those folks didn't like the day Mike was elected, and haven't gotten over it. This is a coordinated smear campaign with a long history, waiting to spring the trap. I posted some comments there, and of course they are being ignored - they certainly want and need to have their precious filters firmly in place, because the "Truth" is manifested in their own special way. Confronting rational discourse is not their modus operandi, and it's clearly obvious they will go to great lengths to falsely disparage a perfectly fine person, using exaggeration and innuendo to deceive Oro Valley residents. It's a charade that's demeaning to this town, and worthy of a wholesale clean-out of the people holding office who are behind it.
Greetings Wings,
We don't follow that blog. It was created after the last election. They will not acknowledge who owns or publishes the blog. How reliable could the information be if they won't even identify who is behind it?
I think we know who is behind the PRAVDA blog.
Bravo and ditto on everything you said! I looked at that blog a few times when it first began and when I saw the childish and amateur content coupled with their refusal to reveal their identity, I decided that it wasn't worth my time.
When their candidates win, they brag about how "this is what the voters of Oro Valley want" and they tell us to "get over it" but when OUR candidates win, suddenly they can't deal with what OV voters "want" and so they set up shop in an attempt to destroy the character of their opponents. They've never gotten over how their appointed one, Steve Solomon, got booted out at the very next election. That's when their blog suddenly appeared yet they think we can't figure out who's behind it.
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