We were copied on the the following communication. It is an email to Mayor Hiremath, with copies to council. It was sent last week.
We have received permission from the author to reprint this email.
I notice this weekend that the town is now allowing “political signage” to be posted on our streets in a non-election period. I am referencing the Zinkin recall sign at the La Canada – Naranja intersection. From my perspective, allowing this action on the part of your supporters is a gross mis-utilization of your and the town councils offices for personal gain. It is a shame that I see the town police routinely take down the signs of tax paying, law abiding citizens or business’, yet they allow bogus political signage to be posted in a non-election period. Again – obvious misuse of office for personal gain.
As I have stated before. I do not know Councilman Zinkin, and the only information I have obtained about his current situation is the communications and discussions I see when you and your disparagement team are trying him in the “court of public opinion” rather than honorably manning up, charging, and trying him in the proper venue(s). In other words, charge and try the councilman formally, or back off and leave him alone. He was properly elected and unless charged and proven guilty of the alleged violations should be allowed to remain in office and serve his term without the obvious harassment you are sponsoring.
I ask you Mayor – What laws has Zinken broken? His actions may not be politically correct, but he appears to be asking the right questions and doing the job he was elected to do, while most importantly not kowtowing to special interests as I suspect yourself and others on the council are doing. Zinkins actions have been no worse than your use and playing of the disgusting race card to disparage a fellow elected official. As I told your appointed signature gatherer who visited my home yesterday, these tactics are grossly wrong and scarily similar to the communistic political ambushing I have personally observed in other countries in the world. Again Mayor, formally charge the councilman or shut up and back off. Additionally, DO NOT WASTE MY/OUR TAX DOLLARS FOR A BOGUS RECALL ELECTION. THERE IS MUCH BETTER USE FOR TOWN FUNDS.
Good Letter. But only civil direct action at the next Town Council will spark any reaction from the mayor and his friends.
Great letter! This Mayor is very bad for Oro Valley and MUST GO!
If anyone shows up at my house asking me to sign that bogus petition I wonder if I will get any help from the OVPD to have them arrested for trespassing.
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