Generally, the information contained on a credit card includes the credit card number, your full name, the card's expiration date and the country code. It does not include the security code on the back of the card or any "pin" you have set up to use with your card. However, if you did enter the PIN at point of sale then that information would also have been pirated.
What should you do if you did use your current at sprouts during that time period?
As a minimum, monitor your credit card activity online. This of course assumes that you have set up access your account online. If you haven't done so you probably should. You may want to contact your credit card company and asked them to be sure to alert you to any "unusual activity." Of course, if you observe any unusual activity or its reported to you, you should get a new credit card.
We're guessing that every day thousands of credit card numbers are stolen from some retail enterprise somewhere. So, the chances of your credit card number and info being stolen really is a lot easier than we'd like to think. The best thing to do is to be aware and keep an eye on your account activity.
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