
This leaves the final two items: Quarterly Reports from the Greater Oro Valley Chamber Of Commerce (GOVCC) and the Metropolitan Tucson Convention and Visitors Bureau (MTCVB).
We've been told by several council members that MTCVB actually does provide benefit to Oro Valley. There is some historical evidence of this in the assistance they provided in creating the logo for the aquatic center; and in securing some meets for the new center. They successfully places a piece in the US Airways flight magazine (page 83) in December It is titled: " Making a Splash". It briefly discusses the town. The report for quarter to details a number of other accomplishments most of which relate to the activities of MTCVB in general. Still, there is enough in the report specific or value justify the town's financial commitment.
On the other hand, the town's investment in a truly private organization, GOVCC, does not pass the same level of muster. It's not that GOVCC does not do things that may benefit Oro Valley, its just that we can't figure out, from their report the true return from their effort. For example, from the report:
"The Chamber President attended Business Retention Site Visits with the following businesses: Oclaro Phototonics, Inc., Alchemy Plastics and Fruit Shack Smoothies and Yogurt.These are all nice things. They are also things to which GOVCC and the town agreed as detailed inthe financial participation between the parties. Really, though, what is the benefit to Oro Valley for the $25,000 paid annually to the GOVCC? Why the subsidy?
Ribbon Cuttings were held for Big Lots and Southern Arizona Urgent Care. Big Lots made a donation to a local elementary school at that event.
11 Town officials took advantage of the free Chamber breakfasts, luncheons and mixers. Total Return on Investment (ROI) = $220."
Nothing will change. OV will continue to waste money.
The 4% utility tax will give the Town Government freedom to spend on non-productive pork!!
It certainly turned into a heated discussion about the GOVCC. Now, it seems the Mayor does not appreciate Councilmembers questioning expenditures during public meetings.
The Mayor doesn't like being questioned about anything. He is very "thin skinned."
The fact that a council member even question s the subsidy of the town pays the Chamber made him uncomfortable.
I didn't bother including it in the posting because at the moment , as long as the mayor has for lockstep votes, the Chamber and any other special-interest group that he favors will get funding from Oro Valley.
So did you write the comments for Zinkin to bring forth or did Zinkin share his comments for your post? They seem strangely close. I wonder how that could have happened? Surely this blog and Zinkin are not in lockstep with each other......are they?
Strange how no one mentioned the gauche comments made by Councilman Burns publicly calling out Economic Development Amanda Jacobs,for her explanation of some of the subject report. It was a classic example of verbal bullying which probably would have been better done 'off dais'. I wonder if Councilman Burns acts the same way at home?????
It's interesting that you question who wrote comments for Councilmember Zinkin.
I found it interesting that Amanda Jacobs was ready with prepared answers for Mr. Zinkin's questions.
1.Wouldn't you want a well prepared professional to be working for the Town?
2.Zinkins questions were so moronic that even a lesser informed individual could have answered.
3. In my opinion, Zinkin's mind is so small that it is difficult for him to wrap it anything remotely complex.
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