Oro Valley resident Don Bristow wrote the following before the TREO announcement that it will not need funds from municipalities. Don's words, however, still have considerable merit in relation to Mayor Hiremath simply getting it wrong regarding the nature of why some question Oro Valley spending on MTCVB and the Oro Valley Chamber of Commerce. It would be good for the Mayor, whose job it is to bring the council together, to watch his words and to not say things that deliberately set council members apart.
What was the purpose of the article?
In the August 29, 2012 Explorer article “OV adopts “spend to earn” mentality” Mayor Hiremath and Town Manager Greg Caton state they have witnessed some opposition in funding organizations like Regional Tucson Economic Opportunities (TREO) and Metropolitan Convention Bureau (MTCVB). "Mayor Hiremath goes on to state he thinks hesitancy to fund such organizations is the result of rhetoric from certain elected officials."
I have attended, what I believe is every council meeting when funding of TREO and MTCVB have been discussed and approved, and never heard any elected officials recommend not funding these organizations. Mayor Hiremath, who are these elected officials and what is their rhetoric?
Having observed the Mayor and his followers, I suspect they are attempting to discredit Council Members Garner, Zinken and Burns and particularly Council member Garner. Garner has
continuously requested that specific Oro Valley performance goals, with measurable results, be requirements for funding these organizations. Thanks to his efforts, these performance measurements now exist. Is this what Mayor Hiremath calls rhetoric? The residents of Oro Valley should be thankful that Council Member Garner is concerned that their tax dollars are managed and delivering benefits.
One must also ask, what was the purpose of this article? The message and tone of the article was one of an opinion piece to justify using the residence tax dollars for TREO, MTCVB, and The Greater Oro Valley Chamber of Commerce (GOVCC). There was no input from the “certain elected officials.”
Why is Mayor Hiremath so devoted to these organizations while other Tucson area governmental bodies either do not support or are questioning the effectiveness of TREO and MTCVB?
Donald Bristow
Oro Valley
Given the over-Tucson-average amounts of money the leadership of TREO and other tax supported entities "earns" the only explanation for such devotion is that politicians who support these organizations are looking for a part time job or consultancy (handout) after they leave elected office. (Note: TREO is now formerly tax supported)
Do you wonder why the federal "regulators" have such a hard time regulating? Well it is because of the revolving door between banks, security firms, coal mines and what-have-you and the agencies which are not, in many cases, doing their job and, well, regulating.
What is writ large at the Federal level is written in micro type at the city and state level.
Mr. Bristow is correct. Councilman Gardner has continuously asked for measurable performance goals and results from TREO.
It was while the Tucson Council was requesting the same type of factual evidence of TREO's claims that TREO stated it was going to private funding.
Why did the Mayor, who is so closely tied to this organization, not know this. The mayor needs to listen more, COMPROMISE, and not react negatively to other members of the Oro Valley Council.
In my opinion, this is another reason the Town needs a Code of Ethics for all elected officials, volunteers on committees/ commissions, and employees.
Cares....I agree completely with you when you say the a Code of Ethics is needed. I started that conversation back when Councilman Garner, IN MY OPINION, dirtied his hands in the Wastewater Tapegate escapade.
But to base your support on the fact that the Mayor disagrees with the comments of Garner is somewhat far fetched.
By the way his name is GARNER not GARDNER.
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