Monday, June 25, 2012

Budget Primer: Parks and Recreation Department-Part 1

The Oro Valley Parks, Recreation, Library, and Culture Resources ("PRLCR") Department 2012-2013 budget is $2.76 million.

Approximately, $ 2.10 million of this is sourced from the Town's General Fund. About $.66 million comes from other sources ($583,413 from the PIMA County Library District and $75,000 from State Grants for Archery Development at Naranja Park). This comprises about 8% of the general fund.

The PRLCR department employs 25 full-time and 27 part-time employees running its day to day operations. The town calculates this to be equivalent to about 46.68 full-time equivalents.  (Note: The Town of Oro Valley has 300 full-time and 68 part-time employees running its day to day operations. The town calculates this to be equivalent to about 343.79 full-time equivalents.)

The PRLCR department full time personnel (25) is 8% of the total town’s full time 300 personnel.  The PRLCR department full-time equivalent (46.68) is 13.56% of the town’s fulltime equivalent (343.79).

The following is a summary of the budget:

Number of Personnel Operating Expenditure Capital Expenditure Contingency Funds Total Expenditure
Parks & Recreation Only

Parks Administration  2.80 $261,156

Parks  7.38 $624,204 $59,000 $45,000 $728,204
Recreation  3.70 $232,714

Trails  0.90 $68,224

Aquatics  12.48 $600,447


 27.26 $1,786,745 $59,000 $45,000 $1,890,745

Library Only  18.07 $583,413


Cultural Resources Only

Cultural Resources Admin  0.30 $27,307

Naranja  0.25 $19,692
$75,000 $94,692
Steam Pump  0.80 $63,955 $100,188

 1.35 $110,954 $100,188 $75,000 $286,142

Total Department  46.68 $2,481,112 $159,188 $120,000 $2,760,300

Note: Starting January 1, 2013 the Oro Valley Library will become a branch of the PIMA County Library District and will no longer be part of the Oro Valley budget.

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