Monday, May 14, 2012

Your Money To Fund The Oro Valley Chamber of Commerce?

Mayor Hiremath has put on the agenda for next Wednesday's meeting a consent item to fund a Participation Agreement with the Oro Valley Chamber of Commerce for $25,000.

Don Bristow spoke against funding this private organization at the last council meeting. You can read his comments.  We have spoken out against this for the same reason. Essentially, we believe that the Chamber is a private organization that has endorsed current Council Members when they ran for Council; therefore, on it should not receive a contract from the town.

This Wednesday, the Mayor wants the Council to approve this agreement with no discussion by Council. That is why it is on the consent agenda.  We suspect that Council Members Hornat, Waters, and Snider will support this agreement. We suspect that outgoing Council Member Steve Solomon will also agree.  After all, the Chamber has endorsed them and regularly sponsors meetings to support the causes of these Council Members.

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