Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Thank You, Barry

Generally, we don't comment about articles in the "Explorer." However, one of our bloggers wrote the following:
"I wanted to express my disgust at the photo of Solomon & Hiremath in this weeks Explorer "OV Councilmen honored" on page 6.

Barry gives 8 ELECTED years; Solomon was poo-pointed, failed to get elected, has treated the public with disrespect and is given prime ink space by the weekly rag! 

A perfect example of the lousy journalism we have in this country!

I feel better now, thank you for "listening" to me:))))"
The article to which the writer refers is online. However, there is no picture.  We agree:  Barry's "body of work" over the 8 years was significant.  He always respected his constituents.  He always brought value to every meeting.  And, yes, he did his homework.  So we will say to Barry what the Mayor really should have said:  "Thank you Barry for a job well done!"


Anonymous said...

I must agree!

THANK YOU, Barry, for giving your time to Oro Valley for eight years.

THANK YOU, Barry, for always being well-prepared.

THANK YOU, Barry, for your care and respect for all citizens.

THANK YOU, Barry, for all your ideas and comments.

THANK YOU, Barry, for being the Councilman everyone in Oro Valley respects.

Many of us hope to see you back in Oro Valley government!

OV Objective Thinker said...

While this may surprise many of you, I too would like to thank Barry for his years of service. He was by far the most knowledgeable person on the Council when it comes to codes and zoning stuff. That's not to say that he was always correct on his votes but he knew the code and he made a major positive impact on this community. I wish him well and I hope he stays involved.

However I would not whine about not having his picture in the paper. That's a bit over the top. I do believe Ms Grimes is going to feature Barry on her usual gig on Wake Up Tucson on KVOI.

You can't have everything, Cares.