Wednesday, May 30, 2012

1000 Eyeballs

The "law of unintended consequences" is in operation once again. This time, it has occurred in relation to the three-story apartments that are going to be built in Steam Pump Ranch. The "unintended consequence" is the 1000 eyeballs living in the apartments that will be able to peer directly into the backyard of a neighbor's home.

The neighbor is Ken Anders. The home is located across the CDO wash from the apartments.  Ken learned that the apartments were to be built long after public hearings had taken place. This is because Ken's home is beyond the of 400 foot abutting neighbor requirement for receiving notice.

Several weeks ago at a Council meeting that discussed apartments,  Mayor Hiremath allowed Ken speak to counsel regarding his situation. Unfortunately, Ken is the only neighbor impacted by the apartments in this manner. The Council listened politely to his concerns but no action was taken.

Ken has been told that the developer will place some additional landscaping on the west side of the development.   This may be of some help to him. We told Ken we would post regarding his situation on the blog in hopes that perhaps one of our readers has a suggestion for him.

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