Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Snider's Double Standard

During the next two months, the Gang of Five, soon to be the Gang of Four, will rush headlong into approving the 2012-2013 Oro Valley budget. They want to prevent the two new council members, Brendan Burns and Mike Zinkin,  from having any input into a budget with which they will have to live.

This is the wrong way to establish a new relationship. This is all the doings of the incumbents.

Two years ago, Mary Snider led the charge to delay the approval of the 2010-2011 budget until the new council members (Satish Hiremath, Joe Hornat and Lou Waters plus Appointed Council Member and failed 2012 Council Candidate Steve Solomon) were seated.  Mary argued that it was only right that the new council approve the budget for that year.

She won the day.

Now, faced with the same situation, Satish Hiremath, cheered on by Mary Snider, wants to get the budget approved for 2012-2013 by the existing council. Their goal is to prevent the participation of the new council members.

We call it Snider's Double Standard

So, Mary, what was good enough for 2010 isn't good enough for 2012?   You benefited from what happened in 2010, Mary. It gave you the chance to lead the charge to kill the management study of the police department.

And kill it you did.

Now, the Gang of Five wants to prevent consideration of such a study or other important items that might be of interest to the new council members from being discussed.

Shame of you Mary.  Shame on you, Satish Hiremath.  Shame on you.

1 comment:

Conny said...

Sometimes one of life's great pleasures is to sit back and watch someone self destruct and say, "It couldn't happen to a nicer gal!"