Sunday, March 18, 2012

Guest View-Mark Napier: The Election Is Over and I Lost

The voters of Oro Valley have spoken and I lost my bid for a seat on Council.  Many of you know that I am new to Oro Valley politics.  What completely surprised me during my candidacy was how divided this Town is.  I was surprised by how many people were against me because of a perception I was on one side, without knowing anything about me.  Equally surprising was that some would support me because I was thought to be on one side, without ever really knowing my position on any important issues.  In no small measure, I found myself disheartened by the process.  What I came to know is that I was not on any one side.  I only wanted to serve the best interests of the Town as an independent candidate.  That proved not to be a recipe for success.  I accept that.  I know that I could have, and should have, done a much better job as a candidate.

Too late in the process, I realized that I needed to reach out to “the other side.”  While I consider Mary, Lou, Joe and Satish friends, and will not disavow those friendships, I needed to make an effort to bridge the divide in our Town.  The key to bridging that divide had to be communication.  What then occurred surprised me.  I rapidly developed new friendships with Bill, Mike, Conny and Richard.  I found myself talking with them a lot and enjoying a blossoming cooperation that I did not imagine would happen.  We were able to communicate about Town issues.  I found them ready to listen.  When we disagreed, we did so in a positive manner.  I spent the last several weeks of the campaign talking with Mike, Conny and Richard almost exclusively.  Understandably, I think I lost some of my original base of support due to this new approach.  It became more important to me to do what I thought was right and likely lose the election, than to be a part of the divide that separates us.  Some of you may be saying, too little, too late.  You are right.

Richard, who I consider now a friend, has agreed to let me post a series of Guest Views over the next five Mondays.  I will be discussing some important topics and will perhaps give you a different view on issues.  I am not desirous of being like Don Cox.  I like Don a great deal, but his goal was to be somewhat entertaining.  I want to engage this group.  I have an idealistic vision that maybe we can bridge the divide that separates our Town.  Maybe we can all learn to understand and respect each other just a little bit more.  We should know that no group or individual is all right, all wrong, all good or all bad.  I am fully aware this path may doom my future in Oro Valley politics.  So be it.  This approach is what is in the best interests of a positive future for our Town.  That is what we all profess to care about.  

Future Topics:

A Community Divided Cannot Thrive

They Work for You:  The Role of a Council Member

A Police Study:  What it is and Why it Should be Done

The Police Department Budget



Richard Furash, MBA said...

We want to thank Mark for investing his time in providing us his insight into this year's primary.

Mark ran an honest, forthright campaign. He reached out to all constituencies. He is "his own man."

I has been a pleasure getting to know him.

Fear the Turtle said...

Class act!

Conny said...

Thank you Mark for your post. After our many conversations I believe you do indeed have a lot to offer to the people of Oro Valley.

Communication is critical. Mark has been outspoken and courageous reaching out to the LOVE Blog readers (aka the ‘other side’) particularly when the ‘other-other side’ abandoned him for doing so during the election.

Today it won’t be ‘too little to late’ Mark. Communication, open to all ‘sides’ may be the first step in healing the divisiveness in Oro Valley politics.

artmarth said...

Hi Mark--- My first two reactions to your posting were:

1) How very impressive and commendable it was for you to even think of doing this.

2) To acknowledge that I was one of those you refer to that didn't know you, but saw fit to prejudge you, and to do so was a mistake.

As for your analysis of "them vs us" mentality, as an observer of Oro Valley politics for 18 years, I totally agree with you.

It's sad---but it's true.

I believe given the opportunity, you could have, and would have done all in your power to bridge that gap.

Let me just say this in conclusion:

Knowing Bill Garner & Mike Zinkin, and to a much lesser extent, Brendan Burns; I believe they will make every effort to do what you would have done----work on behalf of all of Oro Valley entities.

Thanks again. I believe your contribution to the blog will be very beneficial to all of us.

OV Objective Thinker said...

As I mentioned on some previous posts Mark Napier was and is a good Oro Valley resident who has devoted his life to public service and, in my opinion, would have been, a far better choice that at least two of the three folks that were elected. I pointed out that this blog and it's community had condemned Mark without knowing him. I think the responsive comments to Mark's post so far confirm those comments.

Lastly in Mark's comment about my postings, "but his goal was to be somewhat entertaining.",there is a certain amount of accuracy in that. I have often stated that. But there is also far more of a desire to be educational about the logic behind the decisions I make on the P&Z and how I see Oro Valley moving forward, in a positive way. And it isn't thinking that people who desire or need to live in an apartment are second class citizens. There is no place in this community for that kind of rhetoric.

Nombe Watanabe said...

I agree with Fear the Turtle. Class act and I am very eager to read Mr. Napier's postings over the next few weeks.

Fear the Turtle said...


Not sure why you tried to turn this great post from Mark Napier into something all about you, but nice try.

You will continue to try divide this community, while others such as Napier will help to unite this community.

arizonamoose said...

I would like to welcome Mark Napier to the LOVE Blog.

I met Mark at one of the many Town Council Meetings where he introduced himself to me and asked for my support for him as a candidate for Town Council. I told him at that time that I was supporting Bull Garner, Mike Zinkin, and Brendan Burns.

This did not cause Mark to immediately reject me as a voter with perhaps different views. He just asked that I visit his Web Site and listen to his views in public forums and gain some insight on his views. I respect his ability to attempt to reach out and bridge the “gaps” that exist between groups of citizens in Oro Valley.

There were a number of ways in which he tried to remain independent.

I attended the Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting on January 3, 2012. As a member of that Commission Mark was asked to express his opinion on the subject of “mixed land use” also called “New Urbanism”. He said he supported “New Urbanism” (which I do not), but felt it was important for the voters of Oro Valley to decide in 3 years when the General Plan comes up for review if it was acceptable. Although it was not a popularview he was the lone vote (6-1) against approval. He was on the side of the citizens of Oro Valley.

Also, as noted in Mark’s guest view he states: “I needed to make an effort to bridge the divide in our Town. The key to bridging that divide had to be communication”… “It became more important to me to do what I thought was right and likely lose the election, than to be a part of the divide that separates us”… “Maybe we can all learn to understand and respect each other just a little bit more. We should know that no group or individual is all right, all wrong, all good or all bad”.

Even if we hold different viewpoints, that is a man I can respect!

John Musolf

Einwohner said...

I like your intentions; hopefully Hornat, Waters, Hiremath, (& thankfully, short term) Solomon will be in agreement with you.

You choose your friends by an interesting method, I think.

Desert Voice said...

Mr. Napier,

Your humility, sportsmanship and self evaluation are refreshing! Communication lays a solid foundation for future relationships. For this blogger, how one communicates means everything. Thank you for valuing the Blog and Garner, Burns and Zinkin as quality candidates.

Victorian Cowgirl said...

I will say that Napier impressed me much more at the Hilton Forum than I was expecting. I already stated the same thing about Narcaroti in a prior post. (Solomon, on the other hand, came off exactly as I was expecting.)

However, I am loyal to Bill Garner, having seen how he handled himself during the past 4 years. So when the candidates "teamed up" with Garner-Zinkin-Burns on one side and Solomon-Napier-Narcaroti on the other, it made my decision quite easy. You're known by the company you keep.

The Lou Waters e-mail endorsing Solomon-Napier-Narcaroti only helped to reinforce that theory.

Kudos to Napier for being a big enough person to admit his mistakes during the campaign and for not being afraid to state that his meetings with Garner, Zinkin, Conny and Richard were cooperative and positive.

I enjoyed reading Mr. Napier's article on the blog today and will look forward to reading his future submissions.

I'd be hapy to see Mr. Napier run again in 2014 and unseat Snider, Waters or Hornat.

OV Objective Thinker said...

Fear....Nothing could be further from accuracy. But that is not unusual. This community was divided long before I arrived and unless massive change takes place it will be long after I take my last trip. The divide, in my opinion is not necessarily what is good for Oro Valley for I believe we all aspire for that. it is between those who will listen to reason and give and take and those who will not. I place you to the extreme end of those in the latter category, based on what you write.

Anonymous said...

Great post, Mark. Thank you for caring about Oro Valley.

artmarth said...

Richard, my friend--- When you get a chance, read the last comment from our friend "Fear the turtle."

I totally endorse his comment, and suggest to you that this blog would be a better place (as it has been recently), without any nonsensical comments from cox.

cox doesn't see a rose. He only sees the thorns. That will never change.

Mike Zinkin said...

I read Mark's posting and am proud that he has become my friend and, I hope, will continue to assist me with viewpoints and ideas a I go forth as a Councilman. It is my vision to attempt to build a similar relationship with those already on Council.

Relationships are a two-way street....I will do everything possible from my end to work with everybody to help the Town go forward.