Sunday, February 12, 2012

Why We Moved To "Comment Moderation"

Beginning today, we're going to screen all submitted comments and allow all that are polite and respectful. Comments, whether we agree with them or not, will be welcome and embraced. Arrogance and mean-spirited comments will not be published. Please, challenge our facts or our interpretation of the facts. Offer your own point of view. But don't be rude about it. And don't accuse anyone of anything!

We pledge to you that we will allow all comments that fit within our guidelines. If you choose not to trust us to make that call and would rather not comment on our postings then we will live with that. We'll continue to try to earn your trust by showing respect for dissent. Critics are welcome; blowhards are not.

Our aim is to foster a comments section where people feel comfortable in jumping in: a civil space where ideas and arguments are respected.

If you have any questions, please refer to the tab labeled: "Terms of Use".


Jay D said...

This morning, I had intended to comment that the "terms of use" on this blog have been neglected by some, including artmarth. Comments he makes such as this one directed at OVOT, "Crawl back in your hole and stop making a fool of yourself with your asinine comments," are far from respectful or civil and definitely a personal attack. Judging by the disgusting comment earlier this week from a blogger and the lack of civility shown here, even by a former blogmaster, I am glad to see that comments will be moderated.

artmarth said...

Well, well---JayD decided to come back from his long, self imposed hiatus to find fault with me.

Too bad Jay didn't see fit to find fault with the comments of his friend cox,(OVOT) who was responsible for this decision made by The Zee Man.

cox lied about me. That's fine. What's not fine is when he lies----YES LIES---about two great people---Mike Zinkin & Bill Garner, both of whom have more class & integrity & honesty than cox would ever hope to have.

Jay--- when you go back and read the lies by cox, perhaps you'll change your tune---but I doubt it.

Too bad, once again the blog has seen fit to moderate comments, but it is what it is.

Jay D said...

Art, sadly you missed the point. It was your words I found fault with. Seems to me that you could find a more civil, respectful way to disagree with those who don't follow your beliefs. Personally, I do not see anything great about Zinkin or Garner, but I don't have to write disrespectful comments about them. I would just hope that the blog's terms of use would apply to you as well.

And by the way, are so quick to attack OVOT, but I would have preferred to see you comment about the highly inappropriate, disgusting comment left by a poster here last week.

I would suggest that anyone who posts here only use language he/she might use when speaking to someone in person, not through the protection of anonymity on this blog.

In the meantime, I am going back to my self-imposed hiatus. It's much more relaxing there!

Anonymous said...

Jay D,
Thank you for going back to your self-imposed hiatus.

artmarth said...

JayD--- As you know,my good friend The Zee Man has taken over the day to day activities of the blog---and doing an outstanding job.

Sorry I missed the "inappropriate" comment you allude to, prior to its removal.

I will agree with you that it was totally inappropriate, and as you also know, "Zee" saw fit to remove it as soon as he became aware of it.

Oh yeah. The Zee Man also took the correct steps in removing the most recent inappropriate comment from cox, and he also saw fit to not allow cox's deplorable comments to get through as the necessity of monitoring is now being imposed.

chuck davis said...

All I can add to the discussion is that this is not junior high school. Let's all act like mature, responsible people. You get what you give.

OVDad said...

Guys - this is absurd. Are you seriously equating OVOT's comments to the hate-speech that was displayed by another blogger? Are you out of your mind? In every exchange OVOT and Art have had on here, Art has stooped to a significantly lower level than OVOT. Even those who are opposed to OVOT's views must admit that.

But what happens? Under false pretense the blog moves to comment moderation: not to prevent future hate-speech directed towards candidates, but to censor bloggers with opposing views. Wait, wasn't the last time you put this policy in place right before election time as well? It seems to me as if you (at least somewhat attempt to) promote the exchange of ideas up until election time, but then you go into full fledged campaign mode.

Let's be clear: Neither ZeeMan nor Art nor anyone of their disciples is interested in fostering an open exchange of views and opinions. One needs to look no further than the reaction to Jay D's comments to understand what I am talking about.

Not much more than a year has passed since we witnessed an immeasurable tragedy right outside of our front door. At the time, everybody agreed that we need to foster a more civil exchange of ideas. Since then, however, the LOVE blog has focused on censuring opposing views and grown more and more radical. Sad.

Fear the Turtle said...


You can't be serious!

Look I'm still amazed that I side with some of the folks on this blog because no one is more business friendly than me, and want to hear nothing more than ideas on how to better the paradise we live in known as OV.

What drives me crazy is the lazy non-entrepreneur way in which businesses lean on the gov't to do whatever it takes to advance their cause without putting in the sweat equity necessary to succeed.

Fear the Turtle said...

I'm having a hard time posting comments today so this is part 2.

Every year approx 25 vistors come out to see us. They marvel at the beauty of OV, abundance of great golf courses, and of course our great weather.

However, each passing year bring out comments as to how we are transforming OV into just another ordinary town with an endless stream of shopping malls.

I have volunteered to help out the town with any marketing efforts, but alas these efforts have fallen on deaf ears.

What I find on this blog are just ordinary citizens who care deeply for their town, and have no hidden agendas.