Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Conny Culver Gives Enough Reasons To Recall Hornat & Snider

Conny Culver, a former Oro Valley Council Member is spearheading the initiative to recall Joe Hornat & Mary Snider.

We support her efforts, and believe most Oro Valley voters would do likewise if they know what we know.

Please read
for more details.

Here are only a few reasons Conny gives why this recall must take place.

1. Ongoing reconsideration of previous votes, those actions cost the tax payers for staff overtime, meals and additional costs to the applicants such as St Marks Church. Snider did not bother to visit the site until AFTER her first vote! Then reversed her vote.

2. Rosemont Mine, reversing prior council decisions that were voted AFTER a public hearing. Hornat then sneaked the resolution onto the Consent Agenda! In addition the Mayor and his gang voted not to allow a standing room only crowd to speak.

3. The budget: cancelling study sessions where discussion and consideration for spending cuts were deemed unfit for their time and attention. Overlooked savings could have been millions!

Our salaries are well above the private sector.
Cities and towns across America have cut salaries 5-15%, raised employee costs for benefits.

OV employees START with over two weeks paid vacation, plus holidays, unused sick leave becomes paid time off if they don't use it and now they've added two more days for Christmas and New Years eve's.

4. Voting to raise taxes BEFORE the budget was determined. The ONLY plan for the budget was to raise taxes not to contain spending.

5. Coyote Run. The NEXT reconsideration is July 20. The Gang of 5 has had opportunity to cut costs in so many ways. Instead they go after the award winning service to our elderly and disabled!

Hornat and Waters think nothing of charging we taxpayers 51 cents a mile to show up for Council Meetings yet eliminating Coyote Run is on their radar! This is a meeting we cannot afford to miss! Write, call and show up please!!

Regardless of where you stand on the issue of St Marks building height and the Rosemont Mine, salaries and Coyote Run the process the Gang of 5 follows is an insult to the public.

Please help remove Snider and Hornat with a successful petition process. Walk your neighborhood for signatures, ask your friends to do the same.

Conny Culver

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