Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Concerning Coyote Run; Oro Valley Council Votes To Have "Fox Watch Hen House"

Once again, THIS Oro Valley Council Shows total disdain to its citizens.

In a move that is so obvious, Hiremath, Hornat, Waters & Solomon voted 4-1 to appoint Solomon & Waters(two outspoken critics of Coyote Run) to a 3 member group that will address the question on having the RTA take over the Coyote Run Bus Service.

Snider was absent from the meeting, but her views were made clear previously.

Additionally, Gillaspie was absent, so ONLY Bill Garner, once again, standing up for the people voted "n."

Sure. Most of us aren't impacted by a decision of disbanding Coyote Run. (It was approved, then voted on to reconsider, putting the users through hell.

Why is Coyote Run necessary?

Read what one supporter says.

Here are a few of the dangers the seniors, whose average age is 81, will be exposed to:

Those who should no longer be driving may be forced to drive again, endangering not only their lives but others.

Seniors, who need to reach doctors beyond Oro Valley/Northwest Hospital may be left on a street corner to await a transfer vehicle in extreme heat or a monsoon with dangers ranging from heatstroke to lightning.

Mentally or physically disabled children may be left in the care of drivers who have had no first aid or CPR training.

A sick patient may be picked up at 8:00 a.m. for a 1:00 p.m. doctor’s appointment and unable to return home before 5:00 p.m. (this has happened).

Hiremath & his cronies continue to be an embarrassment to our community.

This is just another reason why we need to RECALL HORNAT & SNIDER!

1 comment:

Victorian Cowgirl said...

This is a separate topic but there isn't another place to post this.

I just read an article on the left side column of the blog about the June 29th Study Session.

"Council members discussed options that included temporarily reducing the town's 2 percent retail sales tax and the construction sales tax."

"Councilman Steve Solomon suggested the town cut its construction sales tax from 4 percent to 2 percent to spur building."

What??!! I thought that in order to balance the budget, we HAD to INCREASE the utility tax from 2% to 4%. Now all of a sudden, we can REDUCE the 2% sales tax? And we can REDUCE the construction tax from 4% to 2%?

OK. Someone help me understand this.