Thursday, November 19, 2009

KC Carter Only "No" Vote On Police Dep't Management Study

True to his word of not voting for ANY motion put forth by Bill Garner or Salette Latas, KC Carter cast the only "No" vote to have a Police Department Management Study done by a qualified outside agency.

With an amendment to also do a study on the Parks & Rec Department, even Mayor Loomis and Council Member Kunisch voted "yes."

Hopefully the study on the Police Department will be done, especially since that department accounts for approximately 1/2 of the OV budget. Staff was directed to come back with information on this item at the Jan. 6, 2010 meeting.


Nombe Watanabe said...

This man is a total nut job. He was a nut job when he was a friend of the blog, and he is a nut job now.

He should join Paula in a well deserved early retirement.


Ferlin said...

Isn't KC in the hospital? Psych ward?

OV Objective Thinker said...

How quickly you turn on your own!!!

Ferlin....Nice to kick someone while they are down. You have no class!!!

Nombe Watanabe said...

Don't worry thinker we will come visit you when you are locked up.

We know that when you stop blogging we will have nothing to bitch about. We need you.

Now, when are those visiting hrs?

Richard Furash, MBA said...

Hi Thinker...

Heck. We be kickin' KC's butt long before his accident.

Ferlin said...


How can YOU judge class??

Conny said...

I'm very much a public safety minded individual. I want to see our community safe and do whatever we can to insure the safety of OVPD personnel.

With that said, I'm terribly disappointed by the attitude displayed at the last council meeting by many of the speakers and KC. Those who refuse to accept that the investment in this evaluation will enhance performance and cut costs might consider enrolling in Finance 101.

Any department that thinks they're too good to benefit from an outside unbiased expert opinion most certainly needs to be closely examined!

Oro Valley Mom said...

Good points, Conny. I don't understand why the town has spent money evaluating departments that are a mere fraction of the budget, and yet somehow, the department that sucks up the biggest piece of the pie is exempt from scrutiny. It doesn't make sense. I don't know what they're afraid of.

Unknown said...

I was aghast at some of the commentary displayed at the Council meeting of last Wednesday; much of it had little to do with the 'agenda item' which simply stated that [the Town look into the various aspects of PURSUING an outside unbiased evaluation of the OVPD, ANALYZING the feasibility of such, which would be conducted by Staff and wouldn't cost the Town a dime other than the time spent by staff gathering the who, what, where, why, how, and the cost information]. Councilmember Kunisch kept saying "if it ain't broke, don't fix it"; well, how does one know if it "ain't broke" unless an analysis is factually conducted?

The OVPD situation has become, because of passion rather than reason, an extremely divisive
subject in Oro Valley. There are those who think that [if you don't let the police do what they want,
you are against them]; this is bogus reasoning!

All departments MUST be FULLY accountable in numbers, performance, cost, etc; no one department should be immune and, just 'taking their word' for it, doesn't cut it!

Victorian Cowgirl said...

If you're not for the OVPD then you're for the terrorists!