Wednesday, September 9, 2009

AZ League Of Cities & Towns Say "No" To Oro Valley Library

First the Pima County Supervisors said "no" to Oro Valley running its own library. Now the Az League of Cities & Towns refused to support Oro Valley in its quest to be autonomous.

Hopefully, the Town Council will take the appropriate action so the citizens avoid continuously being double taxed.

Read the story in The Explorer here.


boobie-baby said...

The AZ League of Cities and Towns demonstrated how poor the idea is to allow municipalities to withdraw from library districts.

Without the League's support, it is unlikely that any proposal similar to the one they considered will go nowhere in the next legislative session.

Therefore, let's roll up our sleeves and work to make the OV Library a shining star within the County system. At this point, there is no other financially viable alternative.

Mary Davis said...

For the record, I'd like to correct the inaccuracy in the Explorer article: the League did not "Say No" to the resolution regarding a library district. Rather, it was felt that the vote would be fairly evenly split and the resolution was withdrawn with direction to staff to go back and answer some of the questions the League Resolutions Committee members had. This issue has not yet been decided by the Arizona League.

I have sent this same correction to the Explorer and wanted to share it with you all as well.

artmarth said...

We certainly appreciate Mary Davis,Oro Valley Communications Administrator setting the record straight.

I accept responsibility for the choice of words stating the Az League of Cities & Towns said "no" to OV Library.

The fact remains that Mayor Loomis, representing OV at the conference held at the Hilton El Conquistador resort should have been a little more prepared so the resolution didn't need to be pulled. Checking with other city & town representatives PRIOR to the scheduled meeting should have answered the questions prior to the meeting.

We believe any good politician would have been better prepared in lobbying his cause and having all the answers available.

Might the key word be "good?"

Oro Valley Mom said...

So Loomis folded on the issue before the league even got a chance to vote on it. I wonder how his appointee to the library committee, Jane Kunnemeier, feels about that.

boobie-baby said...

Ms. Davis' timely correction notwithstanding, the fact that this resolution failed to get out of the League this year means that it's on life-support, if not dead. The League's resolution committee will not meet again for another year, which means that any decision by the League to pursue this avenue would have to wait until the 2011 Arizona legislative session, if not later.

As far as I'm concerned, it's game, set, match. Let's move on.

artmarth said...

For those not into tennis, using baseball, football, soccer & hockey as an example, it appears boobie-baby is saying --- the library just got "shut out."