Saturday, April 25, 2009

Thanks To Salette Latas For Her Oro Valley Poll

Council Member Latas has done a service for the community in soliciting opinions from ONLY Oro Valley residents on ways to save costs and/or generate revenue. The poll was answered by 400 residents, and cost the town nothing.

You are all welcome to offer opinions on Salette's poll results.

Following are the results of her poll.

Which of the following cost-saving or revenue-generating measures is acceptable to you? Check all that apply. (Estimated revenue is shown in parentheses.)

Eliminate the Oro Valley Vista ($.1 million) 72.1%

Eliminate funding to outside agencies ($.5 million) 64.1%

Use bed tax revenues previously earmarked for other uses ($.2 - .5 million)59.3%

Turn Library operations over to County Library District ($.7 million) 58.3%

Adopt 2% local rental tax ($1.1 million) 47.2%

Other (please specify) 46.0%

Increase local retail sales tax by .25% ($1.2 million) 30.4%

Increase utility tax to 4% ($1.2 million) 22.6%

Levy a primary property tax of $.34/$100 Assessed Value ($1.7 million) 20.6%

Increase local retail sales tax by .50% ($2.4 million) 17.6%

Seek voter approval for 5% gas/electric franchise fee ($2.4 million) 17.3%

Adopt a 1% sales tax on food for home consumption ($1.75 million) 7.3%


Anonymous said...

Councilmember Latas is doing a super job in 'getting the feel' of the public. I would like to see a bit more explanation (latest poll) on some of the item selections but all in all Ms. Latas IS doing her homework!

Deacon said...

Salette is definitely on the right track, she's seeking input from the public.
It would be nice to know what the 46% in "Other" residents suggested.

The Vista, full color doesn't provide much. Maybe the full color photograph of the council is for framing each month? humor...

Most of us could sign up for an electronic version of Vista. Anyone without internet service could request a black and white copy be mailed.

mscoyote said...

Thanks again to Salette for the polls

I participated in this one and also the one sent out late yesterday afternoon.
Salette, if you are reading this, I recall you said that you stop at 400 responses. Why? Is it something to do with the program used.
If not would be interesting to see all responses if it is not a lot of trouble/work to do so.

Also it was suggested a while back that the town use the web site for polls . Supposedly they thought it would not be a good idea because they had no way of controlling or editing who was or was not a resident or how to determine if there was more then one vote per person. Seems like the "surveymonkey" might be something the town could use.

Salette said...

Ms. C.,

The larger the sample size, the greater the statistical accuracy of the results; however, there are “diminishing returns.” Obviously, we can't continue the poll until everyone has had a chance to answer. Well, okay, we do that at election time. But for populations over 20,000, a sample size of 400 gives a statistical accuracy of ±5% and is often thought of as the most “cost effective” sample size.

There are 26,886 registered voters in Oro Valley. That's why I had the survey set to automatically close at 400. It was also set up to take only one vote per computer.

I check all respondents against the voter file, so I know they are Oro Valley voters. In that way, I believe that my results are actually more accurate than the survey that the Town paid $17,500 for, in which one respondednt admitted to living in SaddleBrooke!

My survey was sent to every registered voter for whom I had an e-mail address, so it was also biased towards those who actually take the time to contact council members, and again, that probably means that it was biased towards more reliable voters.

Hope this helps, and thanks for taking the survey!

mscoyote said...

Thank You for the additional info.
Also thank you for thinking outside the box.
I like how you use technology to work smarter
Also interesting is that the town will now have some type of capability for use of polls on the town web site.
If possible it would be great to see the town utilize the web site to include more voterfeedback on all sorts of issues.
Could the town & council consider using technology via the town web site to allow a question from the audience by computer.
Might be a lot of us who watch the meetings at home who would like to comment or ask a question.
Not sure how complex that would be.
Town could set a limit on the number of computer generated comments or questions.

Just a thought.
Thanks again.
Good Job

freedom fighters said...

These comments avoid the issue of zero-based budgeting for the bloated police spending.