Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Cuts Coming?

We've been posting items since last June, noting that Oro Valley will suffer the same financial consequences as other cities and towns across the country during a recession. Our foresight was correct. On April 6, the Town Council meets to discuss how to reduce looming seven figure deficits this year and next.

One area ripe for cuts, as an Explorer article notes, is community funding.

Our guess is that this is just one area. We've suggested others, like saving publishing costs by posting items, such as "Vista", on line. Other suggestions in include unpaid days off for town employees.

Please reply to this posting with your ideas.

What say you?


Victorian Cowgirl said...

As for community funding, I don't know if the TOV gives to the FOP, but if they do, they should reconsider. Did anyone else see the ad that the FOP ran in the March 25th Explorer on page 7? They ran a large ad announcing that 3 council members voted to lay off 6 police officers in an attempt to cut costs and balance the budget. Of course they cite "public safety" issues as being the reason that this is a bad idea. But we all know that they're really just covering their own butts/jobs.

I stopped giving to the FOP a few years ago after 2 separate encounters with OV cops with superior attitudes. And if this is how they spend the donation money they receive, my decision was clearly a good one.

Anonymous said...

Community funding is in the process of being curtailed nationwide. One of the common problems is that year after year, 'non-profits' keep asking for more and more money with
monetary benefits to communities, if any, almost impossible to ascertain. What happened to the volunteer programs that used to exist in our cities and towns? It appears that we have become 'organization' oriented with money grabbing as the source for everything. And, of course, our municipalities have become the easiest 'touch' for obtaining funds.

We are barely squeaking by as are many, many municipalities. If we have to find ways to save and provide, why do the non-profits think that they are exempt.