Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Oro Valley Resident Speaks Out On Our "Stimulus Package Priorities"

In a letter printed in the Feb 3 Explorer, OV resident Keath Beifus makes it known he is not happy with the priority of the "stimulus request" list.

I should point out two things. To my knowledge, the Naranja Park wasn't number one, but number three on the list, and also, the Town Council did not opine on the list as presented to our representative in congress.

We do however, agree totally with the writer's point.

Here is the letter.
Local lists of stimulus work are ‘appalling’

I was appalled by the list of projects our communities have earmarked for funding by the current stimulus package.

I am an Oro Valley resident and was stunned see that the first project listed for our community is the Naranja Town Park. Last November, Oro Valley residents sent a clear message by casting a no vote on this project.

We live in a beautiful and vibrant community. Most of us already enjoy the many parks, bike paths, and other terrific outdoor recreational resources, which are nearby and readily available. Any funds our communities may receive as a result of the stimulus package should be applied to resources that we don’t have ... such as an effective municipal transit system, or our municipal vehicles (school buses, refuse, police and city) running on clean domestic fuels like CNG.

It’s time for our elected officials to demonstrate an understanding of the ramifications of the current state of our economy and appropriate use of scare resources. Now is the time to reveal genuine leadership that will give rise to a direction that will carry our communities into a sustainable, independent, and financially responsible era.

Keath Beifus

Oro Valley


Anonymous said...

AGREE - superbly stated!!!

OV Objective Thinker said...


Let's get all those vehicles running on CNG. That certainly will jump start the economy, create jobs and loosen the credit market.

Or as the author said, "will give rise to a direction that will carry our communities into a sustainable, independent, and financially responsible era.

Now if this individual can just explain how that will occur if we follow his direction.

artmarth said...

I couldn't help but notice the Cox comment: "Now if this individual can just explain how that will occur if we follow his direction."

Perhaps Cox can explain what he's talking about by writing "the press" is responsible for the bad economy.

Quoting Cox from his comment on a previous posting:

"Stop the press from telling everybody how bad off they are. The entire economy would turn around."

Maybe if people that lost their jobs and/or their homes, or just can't make ends meet, would stop reading the newspapers or watching the news---then everything would be wonderful. Give me a break!

Victorian Cowgirl said...


On the other hand, can you explain how building the Naranja Park "will give rise to a direction that will carry our communities into a sustainable, independent, and financially responsible era?"

OV Objective Thinker said...

Art...There was such great dialog going on until.....

The press continues to thrumpet the bad news. If you listen to the nightly news you frequently hear a comment such as "The economic news is worse than previously reported." And the talking head goes on to talk about some company that had to lay off several people. Not once do you hear about some of the good news such as the Amazon earnings in the 4th quarter. The press like their 'messiah' should be doing everything they can to pump up the citizens. They do the opposite.I realize that being positive is a foreign concept to some (:-)).
There's your break.

VC....That's an easy assignment.
When corporations look for a vibrant community in which to relocate or an existing local business is looking to expand their workforce they look for things like the proposed Naranja Park....not a blighted area that was an asphalt plant 10 years ago and has had little improvement on it since. Sometimes we are penny rich and pound foolish.

artmarth said...

Oh! Now I get it. The press is the "thrumpeteer."

That's the first time I ever heard of anyone or anything "thrumpeting."

Blaming "the press" is like blaming the person that informs you a drunk driver ran over your cat!"

Anonymous said...

OV OT, Keith Beifus simply (and I believe rightfully) remarked that he "was appalled at the LIST of projects...earmarked for funding by the current stimulus package". Firstly, I believe these are/were requests only and are not approved for said funding at this time. His 'suggestions' appear to me to be no more, no less than the speculations of our Federal Government; I too am appalled that a SPORTS COMPLEX, etc., was included in our list. In any case I don't have much faith in the so dubbed stimulus package anyway as it is a lot of thin air funded by a lot of invented money.

Why should Mr. Beifus have to explain the hows of his speculation? No one else can explain theirs!

As to CNG, I agree that it is an area this country should be looking into. There are approximately 800,000 vehicles running on this cheap and bountiful fuel but, only 80,000 in the U.S. Is it going to stimulate our economy? I don't think so but I believe in it for other economic reasons.

For me, the so called 'stimulus package' is a whole lot of smoke and mirrors or just a temporary bandage. If the federal government takes control of everything spent, it will also take control of everything earned. For me, that could be a horrible scenario!

OV Objective Thinker said...

Zev...He gave specific 'solutions' and then eluded to the fact that these would make a difference. I would just like some explanation on how they can. I've for one have heard enough rhetoric on this and am looking for some plan with some teeth. The bulk of stimulus plan is nothing more than Dem campaign payback money with little to stimulate the economy. But I would expect nothing else from the 'messiah'. His incompetence is showing early.

Let's all give Art a hand. He found a typo. Too bad he couldn't have found Elroy. I never could find Elroy on the map.

Anonymous said...

And you, dear OV OT, used the word 'eluded' when I believe the word should have been 'alluded'. Misuse of the American- English language - why you should be beheaded - LOL!

Anyhow, I don't think that Mr. Beifus
owes any more comment on his OPINIONS; much of what he stated was implied reasoning. Read my posts - in my opinion there are no teeth to be had.

Richard Furash, MBA said...

Well. This is not a National Issues blog. But it is fun, once in a while to comment.

OVOT is right. The press trumpets only bad news or the 'bad news" side of the news.

For example, this week the numbers said Americans are saving their money, leaving it in banks! Only the press (The AP) could think this is bad.

Fact is: This is good.

If you don't agree, then you missed the course in Macroeconomics and Banking.

Victorian Cowgirl said...

OK, if people are going to keep mentioning "the Messiah" thing, I have to contribute my two cents.

I don't know where the Obama/Messiah thing got started but I just rolled my eyes when I first heard it and I continued to ignore it...until...

I couldn't help but notice that shortly after Obama was elected, that Ann Coulter fell down a flight of stairs breaking her jaw, necessitating having her jaw wired shut for weeks. She was unable to speak for weeks! The timing was so coincidental, I thought, "Damn! He IS the Messiah!"

Thought this thread could use a little humor!

OV Objective Thinker said...


Anonymous said...

Is it perhaps that the press thinks it is bad for individuals to save their 'money' in banks when everyone now knows that if the banks run out of money their coffers will always be sated by the Fed; the problem with our 'money' is that it isn't backed by gold, it isn't backed by silver, it isn't backed by 'sweat equity' (saved earnings'), it's simply backed by a few printing presses - churn baby churn.

We're in a mess partially because we went from credit economy that required 'sweat equity' in order to go forward with 'large' purchases, homes, cars, electronics, furniture, to an economy that required zero or less (think about THAT one) in order to acquire 'things'. Result - people are upside down on houses, upside down on cars, upside down on furniture, leaving much of the population without any equity in their lives period!

Yes, Zee Man, while this is not a national issues blog, the "Stimulus Package Priorities" list is relevant to one of the current 'national issues'.

AND, yes, it's fun, but it's fun with a bit of sadness attached to it.

Anonymous said...

VC, after having read your comment about Ann Coulter, hopefully you will get back to this site and read the following, it IS a true story:

Many years ago I was performing at a restaurant/lounge in Girardelli Square in San Francisco; a beautiful setting looking over San Francisco Bay, the sun was just beginning set, and the 'room' was almost ethereal as it darkened. As I 'hit' the climactic chord in the piece I was playing (on the piano), the piano bench slid a little, went off the podium and I crashed backwards into a corner of the bar area. The room went silent. And then, a deep voice boomed out - "I always suspected
that God was a music critic". Exactly one week later, at about the same time of the evening, same place, same number, I 'went' for the same chord and, wouldn't you guess, the same thing happened with me and the bench. Again, for a moment there was silence, and then the voice of that same person boomed out - "Now I KNOW that God is a music critic".

This is, as I stated, a true story with absolutely NO embellishments! I hope this gives you a good chuckle.

Victorian Cowgirl said...


Great story! I'm just glad you didn't throw your back out when the bench fell over.

OV Objective Thinker said...

Zev...Same sentiments here. You are lucky that you didn't hurt yourself....and so are we.

The first thing that popped into my mind when I read your story was the old Victor Borge routines. My father would literally cry from laughter at him, but he was a very accomplished pianist. I believe you should display some of your musical talents at the next Volunteer banquet. That is if we still have any volunteers!!! :-(

Anonymous said...

Be happy to consider it OT IF I can get my fingers working a little like they used to. The described scenario took place in about 1968-1970 when I was young, passionate, and a bit of a showoff - oh, I guess I'm still passionate, a bit of a showoff, but age has invaded my 'agility'. If I tangled with a bench today, I would probably end up as a heap of bones - LOL!

Have a good one everybody; going to take some time out and go away for a few days.