Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Any Suggestions How Oro Valley Can Save Money Would Be Appreciated

In his most recent video-cast, the Zee Man suggested that Oro Valley could save money by putting The Vista newsletter on its web site rather than mailing it each month.

We think that's an idea worth considering, and we believe our very astute and knowledgeable bloggers can come up with more ideas the town council may consider to help alleviate a budget shortfall.

So---- how about it? Any good suggestions?

Remember, the council at a recent meeting voted to put in a hiring freeze, which we applauded. Additionally, we think, it is a good time to consider if there are positions that might be cut. Whether it be in the police force, the administration, or any and all departments----in times like this, we, as a town, must be totally efficient, and to use the old cliche`---"tighten our belts."

How about taking a hard look at out of state, and out of country trips by the mayor, council members and staff. Last year, the mayor took a trip to Europe at our expense, and we're still not sure what, if any benefit was derived from the $11,000 expenditure.

Our readers have been pretty accurate in our previous polls, as to responses. Why not give us your input on this question? Remember, many influential folks at town hall read the blog.


Anonymous said...

Okay, after what I am going to say I expect that the whole town of Oro Valley might be at my doorstep ready to throw me out of town:

When I moved here and purchased a home in Sun City Vistoso, a 'transfer' fee of approximately $1000 (a 'flat' figure not dictated by selling price) was required by Sun City in order to pay for some expensive upgrades the community 'needed'. While the 'fee' was said to be 'required' of the buyer, I stipulated that the seller pay it and thus it became a negotiating tool (I won) and the fee was paid out of escrow. Because this was a matter of dictate, It didn't bother me that said 'fee' had to be paid; it was just another part of the 'deal'. So, it is my proposal that the Town of Oro Valley look into assessing a one time flat 'fee' at the time of a residential property transfer (each and every time), not related to home value and ONLY upon the sale and/or transfer of it. AND that the amount cannot be inflated each and every year or at the indiscriminate will of Town, but, that said 'transfer fee' could be reviewed (for future transactions) perhaps once every 5 years in order to establish a cost of living relationship and that the amount of the 'fee' be controlled by a certain degree of sanity.

Anonymous said...

I failed to mention that the above would only be instituted for RESALE properties.

Victorian Cowgirl said...

This will seem like a small issue but paper is expensive and I've seen an area where the Town could save money on paper.

After my home was broken into, I received the police report of the incident. It was 10 pages long, however, only 4 of those pages were filled completely. The remaining 6 pages contained only one item of information per page so that each of those 6 pages had just a few lines of type at the top of the page and the remainder of the page was blank. Then you went to the next page for the next item, also taking up just a few lines on the top of the page and the rest of the page was blank. This went on for 6 pages. For example, one page contained just the description of the vehicle seen leaving my home. Another page contained just the name and address of the witness who saw the man running from my home.

Why can't all of these items be grouped together on one page until they fill the page completely? Why use an entire sheet of paper just to type 3-4 lines of information? This is wasteful to me.

That 10-page report could easily have fit onto 5 pages.

I'm sure there are many other instances like this one where a small amount of savings here and a small amount of savings there will add up to a lot of savings.

OV Objective Thinker said...

Zev....Your proposal is now unconstitutional. In the last election the Arizona voters voted to change the AZ constitution so that no government entity could impose a transfer fee/tax on real estate.

Here is a good way to save money. I have been advised that the Town sent two representatives to Sedona to a conference today. Couldn't one have gone?????

I have also been advised that there are currently four people wishing to attend the national League of Cities meeting in Washington, DC. Mr. Gillaspie is one and I believe he should go and bring back the information to the others. I don't believe that we need two council members and two managers in attendance. If all go I suspect it will cost the Town in excess of $10,000. They are getting as arrogant as the Wall Street boys and bank presidents.

Anonymous said...

Thanks OT for clearing up the transfer fee/tax thing - I didn't know that.

Unknown said...

The Town Manager should return that 30K per year salary increase and each council member should take at least @2500 a year pay cut.

All department heads should take at least a $2,000 per year pay cut and each employee making above 30,000 a year should take a $1,000 per year pay cut, those below 30,000 take a $500 cut.

No salary increases and each employee should take 2 weeks per year furlough.

Also raise the utility tax to 3%

OV Objective Thinker said...

Steve O....
Some council members should return the entire $9000 as they don't earn a dime.