Monday, December 15, 2008

Oro Valley Council Members Speak Out On Arroyo Grande

In a guest editorial in the Dec. 15 Az Star, Council Members Salette Latas & Barry Gillaspie respond to a Nov. 29 article concerning Arroyo Grande. See our post Arroyo Grande Status "Up In Air".

As we noted in previous posts,and although the Council Members didn't state it, the concern should NOT be with Oro Valley's intentions, but the sinister motives of the Pima County Administrator Chuck Huckleberry.

Anyone that thinks an electrical substation belongs right in the heart of the wildlife corridor has a lot in common with Mr. Huckleberry!

Read the guest editorial here.

1 comment:

Zev Cywan said...

This was a superbly thought-out and well written article (and rebuttal)!
It is comforting to know that we, the people of Oro Valley, have two very able and astute councilpersons working on this issue.