Wednesday, September 3, 2008

More Work Needed On "Revised" Arroyo Grande Plan

In an editorial in the Explorer, Editor Dave Perry "endorses" the revised land use plan for Arroyo Grande. He notes in his editorial the significant public and "scientific" input that has gone into this plan.

Since it was first introduced in January, the plan has undergone a number of citizen-centric reviews. There's one coming up tomorrow (See our list of upcoming items in the left border).

Still, there's more to be done in honing this plan. There are simply too many housing units planned for construction. Too many people living in the area. A possible doubling of the Oro Valley population. All duly noted by Kathy Pastry in "AG wildlife paths a glimmer, but we must speak"-a letter to the Explorer (Click here to read). And summarized in yet another Explorer article (Click here to read).

We all can make a difference when it comes to Arroyo Grande. Attend the meetings. Voice your ideas. Do it now so that we don't wind up with an ugly mess like that Oro Valley Marketplace.

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