Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Why The State Land (Prop. 103) Was So Important

In the Aug 27 Explorer, reporter Patrick McNamara clarifies much of why the State Land Initiative was so important to Oro Valley and the surrounding area.

Here is an excerpt from his article.

"At least two-thirds of the 9,100-acre state holding north of Oro Valley, which town leaders have sought to annex, would forever remain free from development if the ballot measure passes.

If voters approve the change, the county no longer would have to focus on state land holdings. Instead, local officials would seek to buy privately held properties.

The coming months may prove crucial for the county’s conservation program.

The ballot measure’s passage could take thousands of Pima County acres off the table forever.

But its failure could pave the way for more sprawl as Southern Arizona’s population continues to swell."

Sadly, it appears this initiative will not be on the Nov. ballot.

Read the complete Explorer article here.

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