Saturday, August 30, 2008

Oro Valley Getting Noticed As Biotech Hub

The Arizona Republic recently posted an article noting that Oro Valley is becoming a cluster for biotech. They note this through the expansion of Ventana Medical Systems (now owned by Roche Pharaceuticals) and Sanofi-Aventis. They also identify a "small-but-growing tech firm Integrated Biomolecule Corp". The article notes also that "All companies have ties to the University of Arizona, and all the companies have big growth plans."

Good for us!

Click here to read more.


Zev Cywan said...

While there may be a FEW biotech firms that have situated themselves here or might situate themselves here in the future, I can hardly view this as HUB now or in the future. There is simply not enough room no matter how the Town might try to skew development. Having lived in Raleigh, North Carolina for 16 years and having been situated near the Research Triangle Park, one can truly get a handle on what a HUB really is and what HUB requirements are all about - accessability, worker pool, proximity to other universities, complimentary businesses, etc. (RTP has many more biotech firms then this area could ever hope to handle. The Tucson area (Oro Valley included) needs to get real!

Dan said...


You make an interesting point, however, I don't believe Tucson, Phoenix, nor even Oro Valley ever intend to compete with the large scale of the Research Triangle in North Carolina.

The Research Triangle has many things going for it that just aren't feasible in Arizona, namely multiple research university campuses nearby, a much greater population base from which to draw, and being situated on the East Coast near larger metro areas and the resources that come with higher populations and more established cities.

Oro Valley, however, can certainly develop into a biotech hub of its own, and appears to be leading the way in Arizona, despite efforts to stimulate the biotech industry in the Phoenix area. While certainly no Research Triangle is in the future of Oro Valley, I don't believe North Carolina (the Research Triangle) is a fair comparison to the biotech development occurring in Oro Valley.

Zev Cywan said...

I inadvertantly ascribed the use of the term 'hub' to the content and reference of the article instead of recognizing it simply as a title for the blog. Sorry, I fully understand your commentary and do, in fact, welcome the 'cluster' as long as it does not start trumping the Oro Valley 'way of life'. Thank you for your input as well as your affirmation of the differences between the two entities, RTP and OV. You would be surprised at how many persons there are that naively believe that Oro Valley might become THE major player in said field, not willing to recognize, for the reasons we stated that it cannot.

OV Objective Thinker said...

Zev & Dan....

Have you ever heard the story about the little engine that kept saying, "I think I can."?

Oro Valley may never be the national leader in Biotech.....but it can become an important player and this is the kind of business that we crave.

Maybe a little dose of optimism is in order.

Hope everyone had a great Labor Day and let's look forward to a great Oro Valley fall season.

Dan said...


Absolutely, optimism for Oro Valley's future is essential.

With nearly 90 years of family history in Oro Valley, I am well versed on the community's progress. That said, I believe the development of a biotech cluster in Oro Valley is among the town's greatest achievements and assets.

I remain confident in Oro Valley's future, and the growing biotech industry in the town is a key element in that perspective.

Zev Cywan said...


I give credit where credit is due and if we must have a type of industry here then I can applaud that the biotech industry is, in fact, a good one. But, let's not have cause to overblow this asset. We do have limitations here and Oro Valley just cannot live in a dream world of overly optimistic expectations.

As an aside, a brother-in-law of mine will be here for a conference in the latter part of November; I believe that this conference might be related to the industry we are discussing as he is a very much credentialed and internationally recognized (semi-retired) Doctor of Biochemistry.

As I stated in response to Dan, I only 'protested' because of my belief that the word 'hub' had been emphasized when it was not; a word such as 'cluster' would be and is more appropriate.

OV Objective Thinker said...

Zev....I think I understand some of your response.

But what puzzles me is what is the critical distinction, in your opinion, between a "hub" or a "cluster" and why is it significant enough to 'protest' at all?

Zev Cywan said...

A hub is a CENTER for activity, a cluster is a GROUPING of activity. Perhaps, to you there is little or no difference and perhaps there isn't much, but, as the article was 'headlined', the word 'hub' gave me and gives me an exaggerated expectation of overall standing in the GRAND scheme of things. I am in no way attempting to diminish the importance of having a core industry of biotech firms within OV, I am simply conveying perspective.