My concerns were about the Wal-Mart going up at the OV Marketplace. Specifically, it pertained to the roof design.
"Driving west on Tangerine Road from Oracle Road you can't help but see the roof of the massive Wal-Mart structure.
As I noted on a recent posting I did on my blog, www.letorovalleyexcel.com, the roof looks like a giant pinball machine with what appears to be scores of skylights. Am I correct that Oro Valley will not allow this eyesore to remain after the building construction is completed?"
Pat replied:
"With regard to rooftop design, aesthetics and green building elements were primary considerations. The roof must be painted a desert tan color and all mechanicals will be housed within 5 sided screens."
Subsequently, Pat replied: "I am told that rooftop mechanicals have not yet been screened but this must be accomplished prior to Wal Mart opening for business."
On June 18, I saw fit to bring this issue to the Oro Valley Town Council and spoke during "Call To The Audience." I not only addressed the fact that this UGLY roof is visible, not only to the residents above them in the Palisades Point/Catalina Shadows communities, but anyone driving west of Oracle on Tangerine.
Perhaps more important, I noted that once open, Wal-Mart will operate 24/7 and at night, with lights on, with approximately 100 skylights, the roof may look like an "airport landing strip."
I wanted to show a photo of what it now looks like, but Mayor Loomis said; "we all know what it looks like."
The question is: What will it look like when they open for business in the very near future.
For those of you who haven't seen this eyesore and its potential light pollution, the above photo was taken during the day on June 14, 2008.
What do you think?
It doesn't look like there is any plan regarding the skylights. Pat's responded regarding the mechanical equipment only.
Now I get it!!
This is what David Malin and Vestar meant by giving us a "UNIQUE" shopping center for 23.2 million.
Speilberg can use this location if he ever wants to film a sequel and call it "Close Encounters of the Worst Kind".
It looks like there are some modifications to the original site plan. Another buliding is going up next to the PETCO site that wasn't listed on the original plans. Can someone at TOV confirm this?
Anybody up for a midnight game of chess?
For crying out loud quit the whining. The Marketplace has not even been built yet.
Would one of your UNIQUE stores have a different roof?
A UNIQUE roof just to please you.
When the hill people bought their homes they were informed that the land was industrial. Some even got discounts for buying on the lower lots.
The hill used to be pretty too.
You people feed off each other.
A simple question has been asked; why do you ridicule those who ask? There ARE architecural guidlines/ requirements on the 'books'; this town has notoriously played with the rules. YOU are the consumate whiner 'cause YOU shed YOUR tears whenever a clarification might be posed. And YOUR logic, along with YOUR sarcasm, is for the birds.
"Common Sense"---- You seem to miss the point of the issue. This roof is UGLY, and unless something is done to alleviate it, everyone that drives west on Tangerine will have no choice but see it,(day & night) unless they wear blinders.
Did the appropriate decision maskers consider the difference in height of the terrain from the road to the site prior to approval of the plans, or is this massive structure just another example of allowing something to be built with "unintended consequences?"
Shouldn't common sense have prevailed?
Artmarth, CST isn't missing the point, he's just saying [so what]and utilizing a 'denigration' tactic to puff his own sense of self; his contemptuous attitude speaks volumes about the value of his commentary.
I'm glad this was brought up - it's ugly and what ever happened to "light pollution" ordinances. OH! I know... that didn't realize it wasn't on a hill! different from Splendido being on a hill that no one in Town Hall seemed to be aware of.
Re: the Marketplace
riding down Oracle reminds me of being back on the Dan Ryan expressway in Chicago, "homey feeling" of warehouses,etc. next to the road. Town Hall should be proud! What a beautiful site in the "scenic corridor". Thank you Mayor Loomis.
Did you know whiners never win and winners never lose. Winners make things happen and whiners lament their losses.
Changes are taking place in OV because the winners are now very active and will no longer be abused and take attacks from people like you who are the true whiners.
This blog is a very useful and valuable communications tool for OV but when people issue personal attacks behind their blog name it reeks of cowardice. I'm available to meet anyone at anytime for coffee, lunch, or whatever if someone thinks my comments are out of line.
Hopefully we can keep this blog civilized and productive.
Well at least my comments break up the boredom on the blog with all of you patting each other on the back agreeing.
One has to put a little variety in life.
It appears the only persons attacked are those who have a differing opinion.
Differing opinions are great but calling people whiners and how we people "feed off" each other are rather counter productive statements that serve no purpose.
Perhaps if the anomymity feature of this blog is removed the personal attacks will end and we can have some real meaningful conversation.
Hey Turtle----We would like more bloggers, but only a relatively few number of readers see fit to comment.
Most---but not all choose the "pseudonym option," which is the way it is.
However, it is so easy to ridicule others while hiding behind the veil of anonymity.
This is too bad. I couldn't agree more with your comment, but "we are what we are."
So noted, added "whiner" to the list of words not appropriate for this blog.
Does it really validate the worth of the comment by knowing someone's name, or does the comment stand alone.
Man, I feel like I'm back in junior high in responding to you.
Its groovy for you to write whatever you like at anytime.
Go out and enjoy the sunset.
Just finished reading Dr. Bob Oro's comments in the recent Northwest. Massive words for a massive project heaped upon
OV Marketplace. Makes one wonder if he is planning to relocate his practice to that location???
who cares...they are are going to employ people who will spend money in the community and further grow the town. As far as light pollution, maybe they can turn 1/2 the lights off after 10:pm.
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