Friday, January 25, 2008

Thanks Anne Britt For Supporting "LOVE" Blog

Oro Valley Neighbor Anne Britt's letter in the Jan 25 Az Star
Oro Valley lessons
Re: the Jan. 16 article "Town tells blogger he needs to register."
It seems by now that Oro Valley would have learned its lesson regarding frivolous lawsuits and other threats to its citizens. This is certainly a frivolous accusation, which should have be thoroughly researched before proceeding with any action.
Were Council members aware of the action by the town clerk? If so, and they supported it, it is definitely time for some new blood on the Oro Valley Council. If not, they should have been consulted before any warning was given to Art Segal.
Let Oro Valley Excel is doing a great service to its residents even if one does not always agree with its views. It informs and educates on issues in the community.
Anne Britt
Retired, Oro Valley

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