Wednesday, November 14, 2007

New Impact Fees May Be In Oro Valley's Future

As reported in the Nov 14 Explorer, Oro Valley may increase their impact fees.

Not surprisingly, The Southern Arizona Home Builders Association, said through a spokesman: “Right now, we’re opposed to any new impact fees whatsoever.”

For years, Oro Valley was so far behind in charging the developers their fair share on fees, that is it any wonder, this council is now considering every which way imaginable to tax the citizens.
If this town had any kind of fiscal responsibility, we would not be in the dilemma we find ourselves in today, where Dankwerth, Parish and some of the others see no other way out, but to "hit the citizens" to make up for their woeful governing.

Kudos to Paula Abbott who realizes the developers should finally pay their fair share!

Read Patrick McNamara's story here.

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