Sunday, November 11, 2007

Conley Wolfswinkel Faces $171 Million Judgment

Why should we care that Mr. Wolfswinkel was slapped with a $171 million judgment by a Maricopa Superior Court jury last week? Maybe we shouldn't concern ourselves, but wasn't it Wolfswinkel and Vistoso Partners that did those land deals in Oro Valley that cost us plenty?

And, who now owns the land where Vestar is building their Marketplace?

Oh yeah---Conley Wolfswinkel is the developer who was a focal point of the 1980’s Savings and Loan Scandal that cost the taxpayers hundreds of billions and left him a convicted felon and owing 2 billion dollars in restitution.

We can only wonder who in Oro Valley may have benefited (and still might benefit) by supporting these big developers. Could it be anyone on the present Town Council?


mscoyote said...

Some are asking why this guy is not in jail!!!

Ferlin said...

There could be several on the TOV Council that "benefit".... I have asked myself how they do it--the payoffs.

It could possibly be that there are "advisors"/"consultants" that are paid to facilitate passage of difficult developer projects.

Standing at the counter at TOV Zoning and Planning, I happened to notice one day, that a "consultant" was instantly ushered in for a conference as I was waiting for documents. She (you got that) seemed to know everyone!

The $ trail would be difficult to follow. This is a scenario I suspect to be true.