Monday, November 26, 2007

Comparing Oro Valley & Marana Salaries ----OV Loses!

Did anyone happen to notice the recent Arizona Daily Star analysis comparing Oro Valley pay scales compared to those from Marana?

We think it's appropriate to pay attention inasmuch as both communities are presently advertising for an Economic Development Administrator. For Oro Valley, it will be the third within a couple of years. For Marana, it will be the first time they fill this position.

That in itself speaks volumes. Marana gets the Ritz-Carlton Resort, that opted not to build in Oro Valley, not withstanding giving them concessions that included $900,000 in water system improvements, a rebate of $5.1 million from the town's hotel bed tax and fast-tracking of plan reviews. Marana gets a Nordstrom, while we give Vestar $23.2 million for the likes of a Wal-Mart.

So---- What do you think the comparable salaries offered for an Economic Development Administrator?

Oro Valley:$74,858-$112,285 Marana:$57,024-$62,727

Need we say more?

There are other positions with a similar disparity. For example, Oro Valley pays $85,010 for a Community Relations Administrator. Marana pays $70,446 for this position.

Sure----there are those who will say, "You get what you pay for," but what are we getting for our money? In the case of Economic Development Administrators, we think a monkey could get retail developers to build on prime land here when we giveaway $50 million to line their pockets.

What does the Council say? We all know the answer to that. They think all they need to do is vote for another tax on the citizens. The majority of this council think we're either too dumb or too busy to notice.

Isn't it time to get some fiscally responsible people elected? We sure think so.

From the Nov 1 Arizona Daily Star:

Annual salaries

Here's what these Oro Valley department heads earn annually, compared to similar positions in Marana and Sahuarita:

Economic development administrator
Oro Valley: $84,843 (former economic development administrator), $74,858 to $112,285 (amount advertised for job recruitment).
Marana: $57,024 to $62,727 (new position that is still open).
Sahuarita: $64,584.

Town attorney:
Oro Valley: $127,712 (of its former town attorney), $91,207 to $136,809 (amount advertised for job recruitment).
Marana: $127,157.04.
Sahuarita: $136,500.

Community development director:
Oro Valley: $105,669 (former community development director); position never refilled.
Marana: $70,446.00.

Spokesperson/community relations administrator:
Oro Valley: $83,712 (former spokesman); $85,010 (current spokeswoman).
Marana: $59,136.04.
Sahuarita: $63,710.


jeff said...

This site should be renamed "ART" Art seems to be the only one who enters anything and rarely are there comments. It sounds like a one man show Art, which wouldn't be all that bad if you weren't so disgruntled. Jeff

Richard Furash, MBA said...

Actually, Jeff, we are not disgruntled at all. We simply think that Oro Valley can do better. We also think that standing by, letting voter apathy take hold is a surest way to ensure that Oro Valley will be a mediocre town with high taxes.

There are some, and we are not among them, who believe that Oro Valley is already past its best years. There are some, and we are not among them, who think that Oro Valley is the best town in America. And then there are the rest of us, who believe that we can build a sensible community that keeps its hands off our wallets, while being fiscally responsible.

Our job has just begun.

artmarth said...

Note to Mr. Jeff Arest--- You remind me of the man who constantly bangs his head against the wall. When asked why, he replies; "because it feels so good when I stop."

Nobody forces you to read our blog. Our intention is to inform & educate our neighbors.If our writing causes you so much chagrin ask to be removed from our mailing list, and get your information on Oro Valley some place else.

As I see it, you sir, are the "disgruntled one."


jeff said...

As you see it Art, no one has ever done any good for Oro Valley.And here I thought it was you I heard banging against the walls. If I leave the blog, Art, who will be around to look after you??? Jeff

jeff said...

That's a lovely photo, zee man.If your job just began after this blog has been bashing everyone in the Town for years, what have all the diatribes about giveaways been about? No one on this site is willing to discuss the reality of revenue shortfalls from retail businesses in the Town. It's pretty hard to give away what you ain't got!!...Jeff

Victorian Cowgirl said...


Art enters the stories and information because Art runs the blog. As for the comments on the stories, you said, "rarely are there any comments." I comment quite frequently as does Ms. Coyote and Oro Valley Mom and Fear the Turtle and others. I know you've seen my blogs because you've responded to them. I don't feel a need to comment on every article. Sometimes I just file them away for future reference.

I see many articles and letters in the Explorer on which I also have opinions but I don't feel it's necessary to respond to everything I read in the Explorer either.

Geez, if I responded to everything I read, I would be accused of having too much time on my hands or of being a CAVE person. If I (we) don't respond to everything we read, then we're accused of being disinterested and Art gets accused of being "a one man show."

I'll say it again...people who can't debate the issues always resort to name-calling.

jeff said...

Victorian Cowgirl...I understand that, but the web site and the blog seem to be the work of very very few people. To me , that sounds like most people in Town are pretty happy with things , as indeed I am.Art may be a wonderful individual. I've never met him. But he seems like a real complaintnik, and it was insensitive of him, and in poor taste to publish one of my e-mail responses with my name, without first asking and at least notifying me.If I wanted to go public, I would have become a blog responder on my own.Also, for the record, I believe Zee Man is wrong in thinking we can have a wonderful("sensible") community without having hands on our wallets.Good services cost good money, and great services cost more money. Jeff

Victorian Cowgirl said...


It's true that there are only a few people who use this blog regularly but I don't think that means that everyone else in OV is happy with things. For example, I know that 2 of my neighbors are as angry about certain issues as I am, but they do not read this blog and therefore do not contribute to it.

I'm sure there are plenty of other people in OV who are fed up with things who also don't read this blog for whatever reason. There are plenty of letters in the Explorer every week from OV residents who appear to be fed up with the same issues that those of us on the blog are discussing...mainly how our town council wastes our taxpayer money.

So I think it's wrong to assume that "most people in town are pretty happy with things."

jeff said...

Victorian Cowgirl.."Not to decide, is to decide." An old concept in Social Groupwork reminds us that if the members of a group say nothing, they agree with the decisions of the group. You may disagree with the group and then assume others share your discontent, but if they say and do nothing the effect on the group is as if they agree with the Town Council. The overwhelming consensus in this Town supports the work of the Council.

mscoyote said...

Jeff, hopefully the disagreement or unhappiness about how OV is being run will show proof when we oust some of the current town council and give others a chance.
I think a lot of citizens are not happy but are just too busy to get involved or have just given up.

Most of the current council have disconnected with the rest of us.

Do you live within your means? We do and we expect our town officials to do the same

Right now I give them an F.