Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Emil Franzi Critiques Clint Bolick's Talk to Oro Valley Citizens

We were pleased that our friend Emil Franzi attended Clint Bolick's (Goldwater Institute) presentation on Economic Development Agreemtns last week. Emil reported on it in his column in the Explorer.

We're not sure why he interjected partisan politics into this column. Oro Valley citizens should be concerned about local issues, and from our perspective, we don't care which, if any political party a candidate for our Town Council belongs. Whether it be a Democrat, a Republican, Liberal, Conservative or Independent is of no consequences to us. We want candidates that are concerned about Oro Valley and the citizens.. We want candidates that believe we have a General Plan, and zoning codes that must not only be considered but adhered to. We want candidates who won't give away fifty million of our dollars to big retail developers.

That is why we support Bill Garner, an Independent and Salette Latas, a Democrat. And, if we find a Republican we feel is worthy, we'll support that candidate as well.

Click here to read Franzi's column.

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