Wednesday, May 2, 2007


The following is a letter from a Tucson resident, to the editor of The Explorer. (May 2). We need not comment any further. The letter writer does that for himself.
Oro Valley can’t ‘live within its means’
As a property owner doing a substantial development on a lot within the contemplated Oro Valley annexation zone, my opposition includes fear of more property taxes, but goes well beyond.
Oro Valley’s continuing quest for new taxes and more revenue is indicative of a town out of control, with no clue as how to restrain spending and live within its means. Its reputation is that of a town that is over-regulatory and difficult to deal with. It has a most overbearing police force constantly lurking in the bushes on Oracle Road and excessively patrolling residential side streets.
How arrogant can the town be as it openly states that it wants the tax revenue from the Foothills Mall and Tucson National, but offers absolutely no reason for private property owners to go along with it. Public relations obviously is not a town priority. When I purchased my property I was careful to not be within Oro Valley’s limits, and nothing short of a complete makeover would make me consider otherwise.
Edward A. Marue

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