Monday, April 9, 2007

A "LOVE " Reader speaks out on Vestar/Wal-Mart

After seeing what Vestar has brought to Oro Valley I was very disappointed, a Wal-Mart? Then I saw an ad for Let Oro Valley Excel and decided to check it out. I was not surprised that there were others who were also disappointed. There is nothing special about having a Wal-Mart, as a retail employee (formerly with Fry's Food and Drug) I have seen first hand what kind a employer Wal-Mart is. It is true they have the lowest prices because they bully vendors and employees. They force vendors to sell at cut throat prices or they will reduce shelf space to that vendor. They also pay employees next to nothing, they will not hesitate to fire a employee. The employer, Wal-Mart, has been known to list "Conspiracy" as cause for termination. They will do this if any employee whispers "Union". This is not a corporation that should be in Oro Valley. It does not represent Oro Valley's best interest and should not have been allowed. Those of you that attend the screening of "Wal-Mart: High Cost of Low Prices will get a good idea how Wal-Mart really "steals" from consumers and employees. Furthermore, I did some checking on Vestar. I was surprised what a found, the fallowing is a partial list of Vestar's Arizona managed properties that include a Wal-Mart: Crossroads Towne Center (Chandler), Gilbert Gateway Towne Center (Gilbert), Happy Valley Towne Center (Phoenix), Mesa Spectrum (Mesa), Tuscano Town Center (Phoenix) and now Oro Valley Market Place. It seems Vestar and Wal-Mart have been in bed together before. Makes you wonder how many other comminutes fell victim to Vestar. According to Vestar own Mission Statement " To create unique destinations with a "sense of place." They broke that, also they lost Integrity when they did not fallow through on their sincere commitment of bringing a "Unique and upscale shopping center to Oro Valley. As I am only 28 years old so I really wouldn't know how to get the Wal-Mart off the table. Maybe someone can, perhaps it's too late. Our friends at UFCW Local 99 may have ideas. Also I would like to share a link of what Wal-Mart is really like. UFCW Local 99 home Share this with others, honestly we can't stop the fight. Here is a link to someone that might help! Sprawl Busters ~ International Clearinghouse for Anti-Sprawl Information
Peter Smolar Oro Valley

1 comment:

mscoyote said...

Hello Peter.
If you are interested in this issue , you can hit the link on the left hand side for oro valley first and sign the pledge on lline, also there was an ad in last weeks arizona star the northwest section with a pledge area that readers could sign & send in. Please sign the pledge if you have not done so already
Efforts are being made to gain support from any and all who could possibly be affected by this.The website for signing the pledge and also some info is
Please tell your family, neighbors, friends, co workers about the efforts to bring a better anchor store to the new ov marketplace.
You can also volunteer to help if you have time