Thursday, April 12, 2007

AZ Star Reports on Crematorium Timeline

The story so far.
Here's a timeline of events surrounding the proposed crematorium.

• Jan. 10, 2006 — The Oro Valley Development Review Board gave the Harpold family the OK to develop Vistoso Memorial Chapel, a funeral home and crematorium, at 2285 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd.
• Around May 16, 2006 — The town posted notice of the Development Review Board's first review of the funeral home and crematorium's final development plan. The notice was posted at Town Hall, 11000 N. La Cañada Drive, on the Town's Web site,, and at the site of the development.
• June 13, 2006 — It was announced at a Development Review Board meeting that the Harpolds asked that the review be postponed until some site plan issues could be addressed.
• Aug. 25, 2006 — The town posted notice of the board's rescheduled review of the final development plan at Town Hall, on the town's Web site and on the site of the proposed development. The town also mailed out 45 notices of the review to owners of property near the site.
• Sept. 19, 2006 — The board unanimously approved the development plan.
• Oct. 12, 2006 — The town posted notice of the Oro Valley Town Council's review of the final development plan at Town Hall, on the town's Web site and on the site of the proposed development. The town also mailed out notices to the same 45 property owners.
• Nov. 1, 2006 — The Town Council unanimously approved the development plan.
• Around Jan. 15 — This is the date Larry Ryan, one of the three Oro Valley residents now suing the town, says he first read about the town's approval of the funeral home and crematorium. He and his neighbors began calling and e-mailing the Town Council.
• Feb. 5 — Larry and Brenda Ryan met with Oro Valley town staffers about the issue.
• Feb. 22 — The Ryans, Gregory D. Santoro, who is also suing the town, and another resident, Tim Horne — who is not involved in the lawsuit — attempted to file an appeal of Oro Valley Planning and Zoning Director Sarah More's decision that a crematory is a permitted use on the site. That same day, Town Attorney Melinda Garrahan sent a letter to the residents' attorney, Katharina Richter, saying why their application was refused.
• March 2 — Garrahan sent Richter an analysis of the issues, including the reasons the town refused the application.• March 8 — The residents attempted to file an appeal of the planning and zoning administrator's decision to the Oro Valley Development Review Board.
• March 22 — Garrahan sent Richter another letter saying no administrative remedies were available to the residents.
• March 27 — Garrahan, the Board of Adjustment and More received a Superior Court summons.
• April 9 — The Superior Court issued a stay order on the town's approval of a crematorium as a permitted use on the site, so the town cannot issue any building permits for the project except for a grading permit.Superior Court issues stay on building of crematorium

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