
Thursday, December 12, 2024

OV’s Path Forward: Help Spark Action in Shaping the Community’s Next 10-Year Plan

Why should all residents help create OV’s Path Forward?
OV’s Path Forward, the community’s next 10-year plan, will shape OV’s quality of life. It will include resident-driven actions that hold the Town accountable and address resident priorities for safety, development, views, water, and more.

Implementing the actions leads to real results in the community. Improved protection measures for saguaros, more amenities at parks, and family-friendly events are just some of the results-fulfilling actions from the current plan. Now, your help is needed to craft actions for the next 10-year plan.

All residents, especially youth, are encouraged to get involved!

Using the substantial amount of direction provided by residents over the past year, Resident Working Groups will craft the goals, policies, and actions that will be implemented over the next 10 years.

There is truly a topic for all interests and backgrounds. Are you interested in park amenities, trail connections, safety, community gathering spaces and events, managing growth, water conservation, views, and more? Join a Resident Working Group to spark action in your community!

Keep up the great work, OV!
Residents’ commitment and care for Oro Valley continues to be recognized. The Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) of Southern Arizona recognized the substantial amount of resident engagement provided to shape OV’s future.

The 8,900+ resident contributions received over the past year were used to assemble the draft vision and guiding principles. The drafts were improved by residents through the Wordsmith Challenge.

On December 4, the Town Council accepted residents’ improved draft vision and guiding principles. This is a major milestone in this important process. It signifies the drafts are ready for use by Resident Working Groups to continue building the plan over the next year.

There is still a lot of work to be done, and all residents are needed! Resident Working Groups will kick off in January and meet (mostly online) throughout the spring. Learn more and sign up for a Resident Working Group at here

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