
Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Out With The Old. In With The New.

Out with the old. In with the new.
Tonight marks the dawn of a new era for the Oro Valley Town Council. Two new members will be seated. Two former members, both of whom have created controversy during their years on the council, will be gone.

An Era of Peace?
We expect this to be an era of peace, at least for the next two years. That’s when four seats on the council, including the mayor’s seat, will be up for reelection.

Reflections on Past Councils
This is the first time we can recall a council this peaceful. The councils chaired by Mayor Paul Loomis were full of characters who liked to argue with each other. It was actually quite funny. The councils chaired by Mayor Hiremath were marked by ongoing efforts by some majority members, led by Council Member Solomon, to target the three council members who didn’t agree with them. They were constantly harassed and bullied. Add to that the fact that one of those council minority members was continuously focused on the police department. It’s never a good idea to go after the police department in Oro Valley.

A Calmer Council Outlook
For at least the next two years, there will be no wrangling on the council. There will be no harsh words among council members. Nothing negative will be said about Town staff. There will be no “points of order” used by one council member, Solomon yet again, to harass Tim Bohen. There will be lots of seconding by Council Member Mo Greene. And we suspect many more bland council topics produced by a very passive Town Manager who, a year ago, replaced a town manager with an aggressive agenda shaped by the previous administration.

New Members Ready to Serve
The two new council members, Elizabeth Robb and Mary Murphy, are “ready to go.” They are both interesting people with very different backgrounds. They'll bring fresh perspectives to this council. Both have been attending introductory meetings with Town staff. These meetings are designed to familiarize them with all facets of Town operations. We recently spoke with both of them, and their level of enthusiasm is high. They are starting their four years on the council with open minds.

Wishing Them Well
We can only wish them well.

We hope they don’t step on any land mines.