
Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Your Vote Matters! Discover the Top Candidates for the July 30 Council Election

Your mail in ballot should be in hand
By now, you should have received a mail-in ballot for the July 30 council election, if you requested one. If you have not received a ballot, you should contact the Pima County Recorder to determine where your ballot is. It’s not too late to request a mail-in ballot if you’re not going to be around on June 30 for the election.

You can vote for up to three council members. However, you should only vote for the council members that you want on the council. 
Voting for additional candidates can increase the threshold for the members you want to be elected. This means you can vote for one, two, or three candidates.

We have provided you with briefings on all of the candidates
...except for council member Mo Greene. In his case, we merely pointed to his record of doing nothing on the council during the past four years, except seconding anything Council Member Steve Solomon proposed. 

So, it’s clear to us who the three best candidates are: 
  • Tim Bohen
  • Mary Murphy
  • Elizabeth  Robb
Bringing Bohen back on council is a "no-brainer”. He works tirelessly for the people and even gets in trouble for it; but he doesn't stop working hard to make sure that things come to light. Adding Murphy and Robb brings fresh thinking to a council that often gets stuck in spending most of its time just complementing town staff for simply breathing. Murphy has some interesting ideas regarding releasing the town council from the bondage of making minuscule golf related decisions. Robb adds fresh thinking on how to bring fiscal sustainability to town finances. Together, these three will will bring a new level council involvement. And let's face it: residents don't need not need four more years of a Solomon's "Yes man. ” sustainability at issue
It's important to look beyond this election to the 2026 council election. That election will result in four seats on the council, including the mayor's seat, being open. We don't know who will run for those seats or if the incumbents will seek a third term. However, we do know that it will be a significant election and that outside developer money likely will pour into pro developer candidates.

The 2026 general plan is under development. Those on council for the next two years will have a significant influence over the final product. Land use will be a big issue. Other current issues include whether the Church of the Nazarene will get a sports facility; or if the town will ever extend reclaimed water to three recreational facilities, thus ending the use of drinking water for irrigation.  By 2026, fiscal sustainability will be a critical issue. Unless the town moves to annex major open areas, which we do not recommend, it will have to learn how to live within its means—something it has never had to do before.

Elections matter. The future of Oro Valley is in your hands. This is one time you can really make a difference. So please take this opportunity to do so.
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