
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Tonight: Council Considers How to Enforce Rules


Tonight, the Oro Valley Town Council will consider measures to enforce rules regarding the use of A-Frame signs and outdoor displays.   In preparing for this, we visited our favorite outdoor display violator, Fry's at Rooney Ranch.    Historically, we could always count on Fry's to provide us with a good example of how to violate the outdoor display code and get away with it consistently and continually.

You can imagine our surprise when we visited the Rooney Ranch Fry's store  to find that they have cleaned up their act a bit. Unlike past displays of which we have written,  the displays did leave room for people to be able to go in and out of the store.  This, in and of itself, is a big improvement    You can see from this picture of that displays are orderly and off to the side of the walkways.


Now, let's measure the Fry's outdoor display based on Oro Valley's outdoor display rules:

  • Was there a minimum of 4 feet walkway around each display? Yes. PASS
  • Was there a minimum of 4 feet between the edge of the display and the driving area? No.  FAIL
  • Was the outdoor display located in any landscaped area? No  PASS
  • Was the outdoor display limited to merchandise that is sold inside the building? No. Once again we found outdoor cooking grills and outdoor furniture displayed. These are not sold inside the store. FAIL
  • Was the outdoor display limited to one building area? Well, not really unless you consider the entire front façade to be one area.  FAIL?

All right, so the Fry's outdoor display didn't pass everything.

Tonight,  Council will consider how to enforce the rules. Clearly, letters and small fines don't get results.  Perhaps the Chamber of Commerce can help.  Perhaps bigger, progressive fines would work.

What do you think?


  1. here is an idea-- repeat offenders, for example 3 incidents in a 12 month period, will be removed from the list of approved vendors to the town of Oro Valley for a period of 6-12 months. If not an approved vendor, you can not become one until you have 6 months without incident.
    Maybe, this will help put some teeth into our ordinance for repeat offenders

  2. Enforce the rules for those repeat offenders. Let there be consequences for their noncompliance.

  3. If you watched this evening's Council Meeting, you know the cleanup at Fry's was part of a set-up for this meeting. It seems Mr. Waters went over to Fry's, on Oracle, today and said he measured. He said everything was perfect.

    Isn't it amazing after 1 1/2 years, Fry's chose today to comply with the rules? Isn't it amazing the Vice Mayor chose today to measure outdoor displays at Fry's. Where has he been for the last 1 1/2 years?

    The Vice Mayor again demonstrated his dislike of a fellow council member when he, angrily, asked why this item was even on the agenda.

    The mayoral/council election cannot come soon enough for me

  4. ---
    Yes, Cares, i was at the meeting. I looked at Council Member Waters when he said they were in full compliance and shook my head: "no." He saw me at that moment.

    Yes. It was a setup.

    There is an even bigger game being run here.

    We will write more Monday.
